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Submission + - AMD is now worth more than rival Intel (

Hmmmmmm writes: AMD's market cap currently stands at $188 billion after shares rose nearly 2% in Tuesday's session. Intel's market cap is $182 billion. That marks the second time in a week AMD's market value has climbed above Intel — the first time it happened was a week ago.

Followers of this battle may not be surprised to see this one happen (and seeing it continue from here) for several reasons.

First, AMD has been winning the battle on Wall Street for sexier investment thesis.

AMD last week closed on its $35 billion acquisition for Xilinx.

Secondarily, AMD has flat out posted better financials than Intel (for some time) as it has gained market share in key areas (notably in servers).

AMD's sales and profits rose 68% and 117%, respectively in 2021. The company outlined 31% revenue growth for 2022 and gross profit margins of 51%.

Intel's 2021 sales and earnings increased 2% and 7%, respectively. The company sees sales in 2022 rising about 2%. Profits are expected to drop 36% as Intel further builds out its chip-making capacity.

Comment Re:Caution (Score 2) 117

But what system with dozens of hard drives in it would be entering and exiting S3 constantly anyway?

You might do power saving on hypervisor hosts, but on a SAN? I can't think of a scenario where it makes a lot of sense... but perhaps I'm just lacking the proper imagination :P

On topic: I think this is awesome. I want to be able to suspend my machine and wake it up whenever I feel like it, with VMs shuffling around waiting for me to pick up a different tablet, or sit at a different desk. x86 has a lot of catching up to do. After all, I've gotten pretty used to putting a device "to sleep" and "waking it up" instantly. It'd be nice if my computer could do the same thing... even if it's only in spirit. Of course, an S3/4/5 is a much deeper sleep than my phone or tablet ever enters while it's powered on, AFAIK.

Comment Re: Its not soup yet (Score 1) 58

It's more of a problem with IE because Microsoft needs to grow a pair and start pushing patches for remote code execution vulnerabilities the way Google and Mozilla do.

They should still let administrators override them, but I say MS puts WSUS clients on a clock to decline the update centrally. But let's face it... too many shops slack in ensuring their Windows machines are up to date. When it comes to a patch being the difference between "browse the web" and "click this link to turn your computer into a mafia-controlled zombie," it should be downright difficult for a computer with an internet connection to facilitate the latter. Even in that regard, Google could stand to force the browser restart after a certain amount of time... I can't even recall how many times I've seen three beet-red lines in the top right corner of someone's Chrome windows.

Comment Re:XBMC ftw (Score 1) 420

XBMC on a low end core duo throwaway PC and a mild out of date nvidia video card will blow away any device you can buy to play back media on your TV. utterly blow it away.

My two cents: used Mac Minis are *really* good for an HTPC application such as this. Low power consumption, quiet operation, tiny footprint, and decent mid-range hardware on even the baseline models of a given generation. They also have decent wifi chips too: I run Windows Media Center on mine (a mid-2008 model), and it connects wirelessly for everything, including to its network-based CableCARD tuner.

I wish they were a little cheaper, but Apple has done a great job of filling the "I want a very small, but capable x86 machine in THIS tiny spot..." market.

Comment Re:conduit in anticipation (Score 2) 336

Did I mention having enough power near the conduits for the Christmas lights?

Heh. The best thing I ever read on a box of Christmas lights was this year, on the side of an LED strand: "connect up to 87 units end-to-end."

He shouldn't have to worry about this one :D

Comment Re:Microsoft is running out of milk cows (Score 2) 333

Wireless mice that take disposable batteries just plain suck... IMHO.

Mice of that category do everything they can to lower battery consumption: lower scanning speeds, lower transmit power, various sleep states, and so on. Every one of those compromises, however appropriate they may be for the application at hand, makes for a less enjoyable experience.

Rechargeable wireless mice.... they don't make those trade offs because they're not concerned with squeezing out every last possible second of battery life. You'll get better transmit distance, quicker response, and most importantly, an overall better experience that doesn't involve running out of fresh batteries.

For the absolute best coverage, Logitech has some models that come with an extra battery pack that you can pop out of the mouse and into a receptacle on the dock so you don't ever "run out" if you forget to charge the mouse. Personally speaking though, I bought a bunch of MX5000 desktop kits (Bluetooth mouse + keyboard) when they went on clearance, and just keep one on the dock and one on my desk, and switch them out when the one I'm using dies.

Comment Re:Answer: No. (Score 1) 404

You can say what you like about Linus's attitude at times, but the fact that the Linux kernel is running on everything from supercomputers to be Nexus 7 tablet tells you that there is a way to successfully and productively organize multiple teams to produce a successful software product.

It seems to me that he's blunt frequently because he's probably one of the busiest developers alive.

If people were given awards for "keeping up" with email, he'd probably be in the hall of fame :P

Comment Re: Help us Google Fiber! You're our only hope. (Score 1) 568

So arguably, those who transfer lots of data cost the ISP's more money because there is a causal relationship between increased data volume and increased infrastructure costs.

I wouldn't dispute any of that, either, to be honest. Here's the crux of the problem: limits on data usage of periods larger than one second will destroy the evolutionary path that the internet has tread since its inception. There is a class of products and services that cannot exist today because bandwidth isn't high enough. If we set usage caps on today's connection based on today's bandwidth, by the time things catch up, we simply won't have the usage available to us to make these products and services viable once their existence becomes merely possible.

If we had set usage caps back in the 56k days, like Verizon Wireless did with their mobile data caps, then we would be in the asinine situation of having enough bandwidth to stream HD video all over the place while blowing through our usage plan on a 240p YouTube video.

AT&T is a good example. If I wanted to pay by the megabyte, it would cost me just shy of $19,000 per month to make 100% utilization of my HSPA+ connection. If I had LTE, that would be in the millions.

I'm disgusted by the fact that ISPs are trying to sell me on the bandwidth and then turning right back around and arguing that I'm merely paying for a connection, and actually using the thing costs extra. It's like they see underutilized switches as an asset that loses money.

Comment Re:My Favourite Question Of All Time (Score 2) 353

They have this 'burst' thing where the first 5MB of a http or https connection runs at max speed, then throttles. Well, you can use that to your advantage -- just send a reset packet after 5MB is exchanged, and enable http resume. With a few other tweaks to http pipelining and other things, you can easily get triple what your rated line speed is supposed to be... but it requires you setup your own dedicated gateway/firewall/router combo box and some really complicated ipchains and kernel magic.

I've often wondered if anyone's written up a guide on how to game that. I'm guessing that tunneling all of your traffic through an SSL VPN and then running the reset shenanigans might make that particularly easy...

Comment Re:but... (Score 1) 173

but where do I get power for my gadgets

Buy a couple of USB battery packs on Amazon. 10-12 AH should last you a couple days, so just swap them out from your vehicle once a day.

Or buy a deep cycle battery and take it with you, then charge it when you get home.

and where do I get 4G Internet connectivity out in the boondocks?

The Internet is in the air in much of the US, popular campgrounds included. Some of them even have WiFi.

Comment A handy lat/long trick for you (Score 1) 173

Tell me, is a positive longitude east or west? I assume that positive latitude is north.

Go to Google Maps and zoom in on your location. The city itself should be enough. Click on the Link button and copy the link. Open that link in a new tab, and you should get the lat/long coords of your map's center to show up in the search field.

Comment Re:Why fix what ain't broken (Score 4, Funny) 173

Ok, cool, so camping helps circadian rhythms and the human health and all. What about teamkilling?

Camping shifts the circadian-health median of the entire team toward an objectively "better" state. It can be said that camping raises the overall health and quality of life for everyone.

Teamkilling on the other hand is a zero-sum game. The troll's erection grows proportionally to everyone else's level of discontent, with total hardness tipping the very edges of the Mohs scale when the voice chat explodes in rage.

Comment Re:TimeMachine (Score 2) 227

I wish there was something more like Time Machine for Windows and Linux - especially the part where there's dated directories with hard links back to the original revision of the files.

As far as I'm aware, the "File History" feature in Windows 8 will do this, and it's much more granular than what was sort of "built in" by the "Previous Versions" tab on a file or folder's properties. However with it set up properly, even the "Previous Versions" feature that dates back to at least Vista (if not XP SP3, I don't recall off hand) will provide you with exactly what you're asking for though: browseable point-in-time snapshots of your files/folders.

One of the things that piqued my interest in MS Data Protection Manager was that it would keep 15-minute snapshots of "covered" systems, both servers and workstations, and those snapshot backups snapped directly into the "previous versions" tab on the files. It allowed our users to recover old copies of things often enough at the site we deployed it at. It was still a pain in the ass product though... :P

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