Daylight savings time is a anachronism from agrarian cultural history.
From INDUSTRIAL cultural history.
Though originally proposed by Ben Franklin, what got it going was an attempt to save power when lighting was the bulk of the electrical load. Regardless of how well it worked at the time, once air conditioning became common it ended up being counter-productive: People coming home earlier turned on their ACs at a hotter part of the day, and ended up using more power than decreased lighting saved.
Farmers, on the other hand, hate it: The animals and plants are on a solar schedule that the farmers have to follow for efficient production, but the time-change glitches when they can do off-farm business.
No more than the following "traditions" will be ended, eliminated...
Electoral college.
The electoral college serves (at least) two purposes:
- The original intent: Keeping one or a handful of big urban states from completely dominating the presidential election. This was part of a deal to make the small states willing to join (and remain), making the federation a large enough military power to defend itself from reconquest and win in other international conflicts and negotiations.
It serves as a firewall to make it hard for one, or a handful, of politically corrupt states from swinging the presidential election away from the actual will of the people. With direct election, in an even moderately close race, a large machine-run state could fraudulently flip/generate/"lose" enough votes to swing it, while with the electoral college they're limited to their state's electors - which they probably had anyway. Also: In a close race with the you only need to recount blatantly suspect states' voters in close-enough-to-fix states, while with popular presidential election you have to recount pretty much the whole country.