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Journal Rick Schumann's Journal: Don't blame us, we voted for Harris/Walz 9

Well, the fascist pigs have won the big 'red wave' victory that you wanted so bad. Congratulations.
But remember: when there is no democracy anymore, when your voices mean nothing to the authoritarian dictatorship that will follow, when all the promises of prosperity are revealed to be the absolute lies that you were told, over and over again, were indeed lies, remember: we didn't vote for a pathological liar, career criminal, rapist, pedophile, and traitor like Trump. When your wives and daughters are forced to have a rapists' baby, or die due to complications during pregnancy, or are denied the medical care they need to survive simply because the fascist pigs you elected to Congress and state governments decided to drag medical care back to the Dark Ages, remember: we told you what would happen, we warned you over and over again, and you didn't listen. When you or your family members or your parents, in their declining years, find they're completely without any way of affording medical care and die, don't come crying to us so-called 'liberals' because the fascist pig authoritarians you elected decided to take it all away. When you're making so little money and paying so much more in taxes so that The Rich can pay nothing, and you can barely afford your rent and food to eat, remember who you voted for and how they lied to you.. When the United States is ruled by a puppet getting his orders from Moscow, remember: you were warned, and you chose to ignore that. When the enemies of America, for all intents and purposes, take over control of this country, remember: you were told how bad the people you supported were, and you ignored it.

So far as I and many others are concerned, Trump and the rest of the fascist pigs you've supported deserve to die, and if there is any justice in this Universe, I hope the forces of chance in this Universe see fit to dole out horrible deaths to every last one of them -- and all the misfortune all of you deserve for supporting them.

I, for one, hate all of you for what you've done to my country. You've destroyed something that was once great, and that now will just crumble into nothing. Enjoy your so-called 'victory' while you can, I guarantee you it won't last long. I for one will have nothing but pity for you all when you realize the breadth and depth of all the things you voted away in your wilful ignorance.


Don't blame us, we voted for Harris/Walz

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