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Comment Haha oh noes (Score 2, Informative) 82

There are actually people who upload government issued photo ID to Facebook?? As soon as Facebook felt that my real name wasn't Jus D'Orange, they made me change it. I was Jus de Pomme for a week until I got locked out and needed to upload ID. Haha no. So my account has been locked that way as the only thing you can do upon logging in for the past five? years. Makes it the most secure account I "have". Can't even delete the account instead since that's deeper in settings

Comment Re:Ernest Kline warned us (Score 1) 77

Fry: So you're telling me they broadcast commercials into people's dreams?

Leela: Of course.

Fry: But, how is that possible?

Farnsworth: It's very simple. The ad gets into your brain just like this liquid gets into this egg. [He holds up an egg and injects it with liquid. The egg explodes, covering him and Leela in yolk.] Although, in reality, it's not liquid, but gamma radiation.

Fry: That's awful. It's like brainwashing.

[Leela wipes the yolk from her hair.]
Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 20th century?

Fry: Well, sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines and movies and at ball games, on buses and milk cartons and T-shirts and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No, sir-ee!

The Infosphere is great :P

Comment Re:Waiting for the followup (Score 1) 49

So having RTFA and watching the video on his presentation, his initial concerns were reported to the vendor and a 90 day window to fix the vulnerabilities was given. The 90 day window lapsed and the story on the vulnerabilities were published in the media. As that applies to the initial vulnerabilities found, I do not know if that applies to the current data injection or if a new window was applied for this vulnerability, however, the presentation showed that there were 2900 and change devices active in 2019. The data injected to write pwned was applied to any device not active in 2019 which three months into the year seems like a fair assessment of a device that is no longer in use. I'd like to hear your suggestion on what more reasonable option is present on bringing attention to these issues. Like most things, it should be a matter of "trust, but verify" so this guy verified and found an issue. A government agency also investigated these devices, however it seems their investigation was not as through as this.

Comment Re:cheaper to spotify (Score 1) 160

Yeah what's missing from the discussion is that this statistic is sales by revenue. So sure streaming is >75% of revenue (wtf is that 3% synch amount I saw? and digital sales are 11%.

Vinyl and CDs is 12% (ok mainly just vinyl) because a record costs $20. A CD costs $10. iTunes store is $9.99. My favourite band launched preorders of their newest album coming at the end of this month and they had 500 limited edition coloured vinyl for $22 which easily sold out within a day. So something that costs more makes more revenue. Hmmm.... (now doing the math that chart is 101% as it's rounded to the nearest percent so the difference is literally a rounding error)

Comment Re:Who wants to get on first? (Score 2) 310

I guess I don't understand it. I'm a pretty bug guy so why would I want to race to get on a plane just to sit in a cramped seat for longer? I wait around the gate until final boarding call just because that is less stressful and more comfortable. All the yahoos have already fought over whatever it is they do and I can just walk in, sit down and have the shortest wait until takeoff.

Comment Re:It took me 2 years to get off Facebook (Score 4, Interesting) 243

Confirmed. My name was changed to Jus D'Orange because I got bored. Years later they bust me for it. Require me to change my name before I can log in again. Bam: "Jus de Pomme". Week later banned and now need to upload a government issued ID to confirm my name.... oh hell no.

Only problem is: I can't log in to be able to delete my account. I'm sure that password will get breached eventually (not sure if I can even change it in the current state), but the ID requirement will be there protecting my account.

Terms of service say I can't create a new account to circumvent a ban so yeah

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