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Comment Re:Freedom isn't free (Score 1) 116

Believe it or not, I'm still using Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS, and I keep receiving kernel (currently 2.6.32-52-generic) updates along with libc libraries and other basic stuff. Still enjoying Gnome 2--everything stays where I want it and doesn't get in the way. I've been pleasantly surprised for well over a year that it still works fine. Don't need any new stuff, anyway.

(this comment could have been in the EOL XP article under 'refusal to upgrade'!)

Comment Re:amazon (Score 3, Interesting) 147

In theory, your pronouncement would seem correct. However, I've just tried to set up Amazon Instant Video and it does not work in Firefox 20 on Lucid Lynx 10.04. It throws up a progress bar which ends with an error message that my version of Adobe Flash is not up to date (not true!). I'm glad I tried with a "free" video (I was charged $0.00). Try before you buy.

I had unblocked all scripting, btw. When I tried the help button, it referred me to a page that explained why Chrome (-ium?) won't work on Linux and to try Firefox! Head asplodes...


Submission + - Texas school board searching for another theory besides evolution (

An anonymous reader writes: [Ars Technica] recently reviewed the documentary The Revisionaries, which chronicles the actions of the Texas state school board as it attempted to rewrite the science and history standards that had been prepared by experts in education and the relevant subjects. For biology, the board's revisions meant that textbook publishers were instructed to help teachers and students "analyze all sides of scientific information" about evolution. Given that ideas only reach the status of theory if they have overwhelming evidence supporting them, it isn't at all clear what "all sides" would involve.

Comment Re:Search Bar (Score 1) 282

Fear not. If you don't mind editing about:config, you can change the default from Google to any other you choose. I like www.duckduck.go for the privacy aspect, but it lacks the comprehensiveness of the big G, Y, or B. Like you, I don't want google hoovering up anything I type in the URL bar.

Here's the link:

Comment writing your congressman can't hurt (Score -1, Redundant) 179

After reading this earlier Slashdot story, I wrote all three of both our Vermont congressmen and urged them to reconsider support for PIPA and SOPA. The only reply I received was from Sen. Patrick Leahy.

Here's a snippet from TFA with a relevant notion: contacting your representative can't hurt (emphasis added):

"[...]However, sponsors of the bill have heard concerns about its effect on the domain name system from fellow lawmakers, Internet engineers, human rights groups and "a number of Vermonters."," [Leahy] said.

Comment put pressure on your congresscritter (Score 5, Interesting) 179

After reading the earlier Slashdot story, I wrote all three of both our Vermont congressmen and urged them to reconsider support for PIPA and SOPA. The only reply I received was from Sen. Patrick Leahy.

Here's a snippet from TFA with a relevant notion: contacting your representative can't hurt:

"[...]However, sponsors of the bill have heard concerns about its effect on the domain name system from fellow lawmakers, Internet engineers, human rights groups and "a number of Vermonters."," [Leahy] said.

Comment Re:The Future Is Here!! (Score 4, Insightful) 408

If one reads to page 2 of tfa, they only claim the technique works well in this instance. They go on:

Even for computer-intensive aspects of analysis pipelines, GPUs aren’t necessarily the answer. “Not everything will accelerate well on a GPU, but enough will that this is a technology that cannot be ignored,” says Gollery. “The system of the future will not be some one-size-fits-all type of box, but rather a heterogeneous mix of CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs depending on the applications and the needs of the researcher.”


GPUs have cranked up the speed of genome sequencing analysis, but in the complicated and fast-moving field of genomics that doesn’t necessarily count as a breakthrough. “The game changing stuff,” says Trunnell, “is still on the horizon for this field.”

So yes, the article is a bit breathless, but if utilizing GPUs helps cure my potentially impending genetic disorder, I'm all for it.

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