Comment Fiber-only was never realistic (Score 5, Insightful) 91
Fiber was never a great focus as if you can get fiber, you probably already have options at all!
I can't even get fiber where I live (yet), and I live in the middle of a dense city suburb. I only have Comcast as an option, yet even hear we don't really need help.
The places that need help is where everything sucks. My mom lives in a very rural area, and I tried different options for many years - cellular internet, point-to-point to a local tower provider, DSL... it was all TERRIBLE. None of them could support streaming higher than 480p!! And often not even that. It was OK for email and texts.
It was not Starlink came out and covered her location, that I was finally able to get her what I would consider *real* internet. It is the ONLY viable solution if you really want to reach all these almost off grid rural areas. Claiming you are going to run thousands of miles of fiber optic out to all these places is insane.
I know it' fashionable to hate Musk right now but seriously, what else besides StarLink can you even suggest for real right now?
Maybe rural cell coverage can be just good enough for some parts and they could go there when it works but having travelled around the U.S. a lot that is not viable over huge areas. And in case you had not noticed cell companies suck which I very much did notice when I tried an all-cell based solution, even outside of poor technical performance.