I setup EMET for all programs that hit the network, always use an ad blocker in my browser, and keep google's malware site warning turned on. If something is advanced enough to bypass all of that then it is probably advanced enough for me to not realize I have it anyway. Ignorance is bliss.
I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone else who seems to be highly concerned about companies knowing things about them. Why does it bother you?
I use Google for pretty much everything. I'm a Google Apps for Business customer and have been very pleased with the services they provide. Their products work well and the uptime/cost ratio is excellent. I'm assuming their ads are still nonintrusive but honestly I wouldn't know as I use adblockers with rather strict rulesets so I never see any of them.
Do they know a metric crapton about who I am and what I do? Sure. Why should I care about this? How does Google knowing what videos games I play or what books I read matter to me in my day to day activities? So they know I played Skyrim a lot and which bands I listen to. Who cares? Everyone who matters in my life already knows all of that anyway. Why panic because Google knows it too?
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.