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Comment Re:Carbon footprint for phone manufacture (Score 1) 35

I seriously don't know how anyone gets through modern life without an ios/android phone recent enough to make use of apps. I'm not saying I like it, but so much at least here in the states already requires a person to have one. It does make it extremely difficult for lower income people to just function in the modern world. Some ignorant Americans might point out that airline travel is a luxury, but they've never flown Ryan Air.... Freedom of movement should be available to all at the lowest cost possible.

Comment Robin Rowe (Score 2) 99

He was the force behind Cinepaint ( also previously known as Film Gimp) and did a lot of hollywood ditgital effects on major pictures using them. But as a working daily job, he never had time to fully commit to improving the app to keep up with commercial aps. There was hope that Glasgow University would take over and re-write the base to be more modern and updatable, but their version was never stable and it ended up a dead end.

So in summary, Really talented individual, but previously failed to get a community to take his ideas to the next level. So I'm a bit skeptical for that reason in addition to all the other ones people have brought up. If there is some long standing commercial entity funding him in this work, then maybe it has a bit of a chance.

Comment Re:Next story (Score 1) 172

Slashdot is only first world problems. I mean exclusively as far back as I can remember. Maybe the stories on One laptop per child were not, maybe a few other outliers or questionably relevant to non first world problems. But news for nerds is likely going to skew first world centric.

Comment Absolutely not (Score 1) 172

I'll decide for myself how many episodes to watch. The payoff for me has to be faster, and in all of the examples given I should have bailed way before the estimate. There are shows that turn bad too. Breaking Bad, Ironically enough was one for me. Its not a terrible show per se, but its awfully long and drawn out. Too much brutalism and celebration of terribleness for me. Take it, edit it down to maybe three seasons at most and it would be a great series.

The office, first season was terrible, second and third were great and it should have ended there. Shows get lost in repeating and trying to milk what makes it work trashing the product in the process. Make shorter series, leave audiences wanting more, not less.

Comment Remember ringtones? (Score 2) 82

Ringtones, were a small snippet of a song that they charged you more than the price of the real song to use when you're phone rung. I suspect the rights holders ( including apple), want to resurrect that kind of fee structure for snapshots of films or shows that can then be turned into memes. Charge per meme use => cash cow.

Comment Re:A used car salesman. (Score 4, Insightful) 107

He succeeded early on through a jobs like approach of being a visionary stealing asshole. The only original idea hes ever had was the first X.com which was a bust. But in the past he has succeeded in motivating people to do great work. Now, his companies have internal training on how to deal with him, ie what to say what not to say, how to get him to choose the correct answer absolutely everyone knows is right and think that it was his so they can succeed. They fail a lot on that last bit.

Comment Re:Good luck with that (Score 1) 54

Gmail doesn't filter spam from a GMAIL address because it has little incentive to. Like with 10% less spam you'd be more likely to do what that would earn them money?

This is a feature that will allow them to better target you with ads, which will allow them to charge more for the ads. They are heavily incentivized to do this change, and not the email spam improvement.

Comment Re:Five Alarm Fire (Score 5, Insightful) 86

Its funny because who the heck would have been scouring Finland University students in the early 90's for a developer of a new kernel to run most of the worlds devices? No one, they would have looked at Berkley, MIT, , Carnegie Mellon, CERN, Maybe University of Illinois, etc. There is talent everywhere, but sometimes you have to seek it out and remove barriers to get the talent in the same room. Once in the room, its a meritocracy sure, but its equity to make sure everyone knows the room even exists and that they are welcome in it. If you don't get the best talent in the room, you aren't looking at a meritocracy but a mediocreorcracy.

Comment And.... (Score 1) 202

Linux has always always been this way. maybe ubuntu is worse or better, I don't know. It typically doesn't matter. You just reinstall, keep configs for important programs and data on a separate partition. Sometimes your favorite distro doesn't like your unique hardware, so you switch to another. FWIW, my experience has been the opposite. Long time fedora user, I had to switch to ubuntu around the same time period due to hardware not working with the driver set up fedora had. Didn't have time to mess with it. Linux is basically linux, and configuring one distro to work like another isn't too bad for a small number of desktops.

FWIW, windows does this too. It just breaks hardware sometimes. Bad driver updates, or just the way windows uses memory, it can be a bunch of things that expose small hardware or software flaws. its the way of the world these days.

Comment Re: That's Step One (Score 1) 99

I mean the Natzis stole a lot of ideas from Movements and government actions within the united states. They saw what we did to the Native Americans, and nodded approvingly, trying to figure out how to reproduce that effect. Give them various diseases, force them off their land, feed them very poor quality food, and when that fails, just kill as many as possible.

Comment Re:iPhone with big screen (Score 0) 132

Pretty much this. Apple because like it or not it has a monopoly on decent privacy and mostly trust worthy apps within it. Works as part of the ecosystem. Won't screw me over the way samsung has multiple times. Wont shaft me the way google has. I know the limitations and accept them. Phones that are more exciting and open are a money pit. Buy one if you want a toy. I can't afford the time to mess with them.

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