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Submission + - Hardware Attacks against India's E-Voting Machines (

An anonymous reader writes: India, the world's largest democracy, votes entirely on government made electronic voting machines that authorities claim are "tamperproof", "infallible", and "perfect," but last week security researchers proved that they can be manipulated to steal elections. A team led by Hari Prasad, Professor J. Alex Halderman, and Rop Gonggrijp released an awesome video that shows off hardware hacks they built. These machines are much simpler than e-voting designs used in the US, but as the research paper explains, this makes attacking the hardware even easier. Halderman's students at the University of Michigan took only about a week to build a replacement display board that lies about the vote totals, and the team also built a pocket-sized device that clips onto the memory chips, with the machine powered on, and rewrites the votes. Clippy says, 'It looks like you're trying to rig an election...'
User Journal

Journal Journal: DVR radio commercial 2

I don't normally write in my journal here, but I had to ask about this. Has anyone else heard a radio commercial that starts with this line:

"Is juggling work, kids and your life taking the fun out of TV?"

Is anyone else amazed that our society has gotten to where this is a viable commercial?
I can't remember exactly who did it, it was promoting a DVR and I think it had to do with satellite TV, but I could be wrong on the satellite part.

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