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Comment Bost Rent-a-Cops, observations (Score -1) 835

I had to laugh at the hundreds of fat Boston rent-a-cops decked out in their SWATware tried to apprehend skinnly little Djokhar Tsaraev for a whole day, while the unarmed resident sheep shivered behind closed doors.. It was hilarious. Then the cops shot up the boat Djokhar was hiding in like something out of Rambo. The sad fact is most of these useless people will be on pensions at 50. Oh well. Glad I don't live there.

Comment What a... (Score -1) 577

What a leftist jerk off. He'll never get anything through the congress, but he will do damage to the economy. I am holding a bunch Trans Canada stock though and when Keystone XL gets approved I am going to make some serious money.

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