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Comment Stop denying our rights be destroying the word! (Score 1) 327

Whether you make up a new "right" or not, you can't pay someone for paternity leave if the money is already spent on government mandated BS.

You seem to be confused about the definition of the word "right" is, though. When you talk about giving people new "rights", you've made the word virtually meaningless, turning it into a synonym for "entitlement" or "privilege". This is important, very important

The right to free speech means I can voice my opinion EVEN IF THE MAJORITY OR GOVERNMENT DOESN'TLIKE IT. You have the right to a fair trial even if the government would rather ramrod you. The Bill of Rights is a list of freedoms the government "shall not infringe". Note it doesn't say "should give you", it says "shall not infringe". Rights are not at the government's discretion. They can not take your rights away because your rights don't come from the government. Your right to think your own thoughts is intrinsic to your humaness; government can only infringe your rights or not. They can not take them because they did not give them.

Your natural rights as a person include your right to have your own thoughts, and your right to your own production - to eat what you grow in your own garden, to live in the house you built.

If you build your house for your family, I do not have the "right" to kick you out and take it for my family. I do not have any right to take your food you grew in your garden. My wife is pregnant at the moment. That has zero bearing on your rights to your own food. You may choose to share some tasty vegetables with me, but knocking up my wife doesn't give me the right to take your stuff.

You want to create a new government mandate? Fine. Do not lie and call it a "right", though, because as soon as you pretend that government creates rights, government is justified in taking away your rights that "they gave you".

Comment Death wish because you predict. Twisted human bein (Score 1) 264

> Amazon will abuse its power once it has attained monopoly status as
a supplier.

So you predict that Amazon will have a monopoly , ignoring the fact it isn't possible (some customers prefer a bookstore, so they will always have customers).
You then predict that after Amazon achieves this impossible feat, they could abuse their position.
Based on those two predictions, you wish a horrible death on your fellow man.

You're a vile, twisted person aren't you.

Comment internet is top free market, has billions of pages (Score 1, Flamebait) 264

The most free market of all markets is the internet, where anyone can readily access any site, anywhere in the world. (Save a very few totalitarian countries with national firewalls.)

You claim free markets lead to monopoly. Therefore, the most free market system, the internet, has only one web page, correct?

Choice leads to differentiation, my friend. In a free market, I can choose Walmart pants and you can choose Abercrombie. Both serve a section of the market and both thrive. A government controlled market is the market for a driver's license. Government control is monopoly (and the DMV serves it's customers SO well).

In some areas of the US, the government enforces a monopoly on internet access, and you get 5-10 Mbps for $55. In Texas, it's mostly free market and we get Google's gigabit fiber, two cable providers, DSL, wireless, satellite, all kinds of choices.

Comment "promote reading" banning cheap books. Obama "no" (Score -1, Flamebait) 264

Obama was right about one thing and the French missed it. "If you want people to stop doing something as much, make it more expensive."

More expensive books = fewer people can buy fewer books.
I realize you liberals aren't that smart, but this isn't complicated principles that actually require thought, this is basic shit any third grader should understand.

Comment yeah it IS California. You need a permit to piss (Score 1) 115

Although the the heat from some servers would make zero difference given that the ocean currents mix with the entire Pacific Ocean, this is California. Specifically, San Francisco. Last I heard, you need a permit to urinate in SF because the odor could effect air quality and if you can get a piss permit it takes a few years.

Comment nope, in Tx YOU decide if you spend $2,000 on some (Score 0) 327

That's right. In those states, you won't be allowed to hire people unless you spend $2,000 putting in an electric charging station that none of your employees have any interest in using. Here in Texas, you're allowed to make your own decisions. You can hire people and psy them that $2,000, or have paid maternity leave, or spend it on a gym that your employees actually want. We call it "freedom". (Those examples are some of the ways my employer spends their money, rather than spending it on government mandated nonsense.) Freedom not your thing? That's cool, you can stay in California where the bureaucrats tell you what to do.

Comment d) put chargers at unfavorable spots far from the (Score 1) 327

Most drivers will use one of the closest available spots. If the charger spots are far from the door, gas drivers won't use them unless the lot is full. That will keep them available for EV use without needing yet another law.

If that also messes with some selfish prick's sense of entitlement because he thinks he should get the best spot due to his $80,000 car that the rest of us had to pay half the cost on, so much the better.

Comment probabilities. FaceTuring does none for returning (Score 2) 81

If the earlier checks suggest it's likely to be a bot, use a harder captcha to double check. If it's likely to be a human, use an easier captcha as confirmation.

If the system is pretty sure it's a returning user, FaceTuring doesn't require a captcha at all. I don't know if recaptcha ever goes as far as not requiring the captcha at all.

Comment Not inconvenient 99.99% of the time, your info (Score 1) 188

> Making doing business with you inconvenient for me: -10.

9,999 out of 10,000 people will never see anything from the scrubbing. When / if you've purchased things online, have you noticed we're geoip matching against the CC address? Probably not.

For most people, the only time you'll ever notice is when you either get an authorized charge from someone who didn't do anything to confirm
who is using your card, or get a call letting you know that likely fraud was detected.

> I'll buy from the other guy.

I understand that TRENDnet makes zero effort at security, leaving their IP cameras wide open for anyone to watch your home.
I bet they also make no effort to protect your credit card from fraudulent charges, so you may want to shop with them.
For myself, I'm glad that for credit cards, "the other guy" is most likely using the exact same fraud scrubbing system.
As an example, 80% of paid subscription sites use the same scrubbing on the backend, and 40% of paid subscription sites use
the same front end security to make sure it's actually you logging into your account (specifically, they use our system on the front end).

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