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Comment Re:Too right! (Score 2, Insightful) 512

Cool your jets, turbo. It's just a stupid state legislature nobody cares about wasting their tax payers' dollars on stupid shit nobody will take seriously anyway. Outside of the "roflnoobs" we all had when we read this, it's surely not worth getting this fired up over.

Comment Re:So Amazon wins anyway (Score 1) 370

Fine then, jackass, he didn't zip up his zipper.

He brought that one on himself.

Happy now? Is that a better analogy? Does it meet your fucking criteria or should I come up with something better? You let me know, Estanislao, and I'll do my best to comply.

In the mean time, you're still a douchebag.

Comment Re:So Amazon wins anyway (Score 1) 370

You're absolutely right. And people who claim that we shouldn't have elected President Obama because his name was "Barack Hussein Obama" aren't fucking idiots, either.

Guess what? When you say something incredibly stupid, it makes you a fucking idiot. Typing loose instead of lose is fucking stupid. Get over it.

Getting hung up over someone else who can't tell the fucking difference and coming off sounding like a fucking retard? That makes you an even bigger retard.

Let me put it another way: you're either a natural retard, or you've had to put in long hours for many years to get to the point you're at at this precise moment.

And just to make sure there's no confusion: I'm calling *you*, Estanislao Martinez, a retard. Not the General You, the Specific You.

I just wanted to make sure that was abundantly clear to you.

(But that's okay. Apparently there's no way to become a fucking idiot, in your book, because it's always based on petty pet peeves, you hypocritical jackass.)

Comment Re:So Amazon wins anyway (Score 1) 370

I disagree. Sure, it's embarrassing, but it's also embarrassing when someone pulls the "kick me" sign off your back, too. Does that mean, for the sake of politeness, you leave it attached? In my opinion, it is far worse social behavior to leave it on in the hopes of not drawing attention to it than pointing it out.

I feel we're going to have to agree to disagree on this - and that's okay. I'll always be there to pull the kick me sign from your back, and you'll always be there to leave it on mine. I'm content with that :]

Comment Re:So Amazon wins anyway (Score 1) 370

You would be surprised how many people think it is "loosing" instead of "losing". It's very common, and what's more, you can read it in written letters, notes, signs, etc all the time. In my experience, it is far more likely that he typed "loosing" because he thought it was correct than because he had ring-finger jitter - it's one thing if you type worsd liek thsi if you're having freaky fingers - then it's pretty obvious. Otherwise, due to non-trivial numbers of people unable to tell the difference between "loosing" and "losing", we must assume he didn't know the difference.

Further, I don't buy douchebag being two words anymore (just like I don't buy anymore being two words). But I will admit it's ironic that I'm defending someone who called someone else on a misspelling (or typo) when I'm full of idiosyncrasies like demanding that "douchebag" (and other words, like dammit) being "okay". You win this time, Gadget!

(Note: if that doesn't give away my age, nothing will. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine my childhood era, and further as to whether I could be considered an old man at this point. Grumpy seems silly, but I wouldn't be overtly upset over that right now. I did get woken up early on my day off, after all.)

Comment Re:What next? I'll tell you what's next... (Score 1) 911

You do realize you could have just not bought the machine entirely, right?

Bitching about it coming with Windows is like getting upset because it came with a floppy drive and you want your money back.

There's a real simple solution for you; don't fucking buy it. Go watch a few videos on building your own PC on youtube - they're out there. It'll take you about 2 hours to finish it entirely and then it'll be PRECISELY what you want.

Seriously, I don't like the radio in my car, but claiming I should be able to take it out and get the money for it back from the manufacturer is just retarded.

Comment Re:What next? I'll tell you what's next... (Score 1) 911

I disagree. Then, when the non-MS software fails, it's "that damned Windows is broken", not "stupid fucking HP shipped an adobe acrobat that doesn't work".

It's a big risk you're all asking Microsoft to take here; let third party software be bundled, potentially causing issues straight out of the box and having their name drug through mud when it's actually Adobe or HP's fault, especially for no money.

As far as I'm concerned, if I'm producing software for a client, it works with very specific versions. If that client turns around and sells their license to it again, but deploying it with JBoss instead of Tomcat (or vice versa), but kept my branding all over it, and it failed - what economic impact does that have on me?

In my opinion, for that to be acceptable, you're going to have to pay me to accept that risk. If you damage my name because you're an idiot or the other software you're using with it is broken, then I want recompense.

So maybe that's how Microsoft should proceed; allow them to Bundle all 3rd party apps, for free, but then sue these companies for every last bug report that gets generated and automatically submitted to Windows for damages.

Comment Re:Call me crazy (Score 4, Insightful) 874

I'm pretty sure that, no matter what, you can't authorize anything other than another human adult to act on your behalf.

At the same time, if she's luring it there with bits of food or whatever, then that's (in my mind) her effectively agreeing to it. Now, if she set this thing up, and the cat just happened to walk on it at some point, I could maybe see that, but I don't know that a judge would see it that way.

Comment Re:All Russians are extremophiles (Score 1) 49

Exactly. Of course, all those temperatures depend on the wind. I'll get wind ripping up over the mountain (I live right at the top) and I've had my fingers frozen fast to bits of metal in no time. It was only about 0F at the time, but with the wind flying at 20+ mph, it feels a whole hell of a lot colder than that - or worse, doesn't feel cold at all!

Comment Re:All Russians are extremophiles (Score 1) 49

Which is also true. It'd be silly going through 3-4 months of the year always saying "negative ____" out every day. As it is, we only get negatives pretty rarely, and it usually really DOES indicate "it's pretty balls cold right now, you may want to avoid running to your car to get something in your boxers", whereas in Celsius, I wouldn't have that line of demarcation.

But, at the end of the day, I say a single public standard is better than many public standards. I don't care which one gets picked, and I don't care if it isn't perfectly ideal. We get in this argument all the time at work. Is it better to baseline on a specific set of tools, or is it better to let everyone use whatever the hell they want.

Maybe I'm jaded at this point, but I'd rather deal with someone else's crappy choice in a Java IDE than I would in having people use 18 different options and the associated problems that pop up as a result. I'm a proponent of standards, even if that means my chosen side loses in the end.

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