Comment Re:Please at least 6 sata ports and USB 3 (Score 1) 66
You could use all 4 SATA ports for HDDs, and install using a USB optical drive or stick when needed (which won't be very often..)
You could use all 4 SATA ports for HDDs, and install using a USB optical drive or stick when needed (which won't be very often..)
Just so you know, the AC may also be a woman. And actually probably is. Either that or a man who's never seen any news articles or blogs by "feminists".
How about you figure out how the creation even began if something didn't already exist? How about you explain to me that it makes more sense that whatever existed was already sentient, rather than gradually ordering itself out of disorder (ie, how we came to exist)? Saying "god did it" doesn't answer anything, it just adds another turtle.
Because religious people desperately want evidence that they can wave in the face of non believers to try to get them into their club. They will blindly refuse any evidence that doesn't agree with them of course. They're a bit like corporation funded researchers.
That's part of the equation but it really is not the primary reason it has continued to fail. The primary reason is that this technology always has been a solution looking for a problem. It's neat but it doesn't really scratch an itch.
I remember similar things being said about tablet computing
I have peripherals like a steering wheel, nice joystick, drum kit etc which I generally leave in a corner because I can't be bothered setting it all up. But the fact remains that when I do set them up, they're very good at improving immersion (and controllability) in games. A headset should be a bit less hassle at least.
I'm not sure what you're talking about with "haven't sold one unit". Or do you not count the development kits?
I thought it was just a (relatively) common phrase..? Maybe I've watched Firefly too many times.
Why? FWD has better traction because more weight is over the drive wheels, and it's more stable (when rear drive wheels slip the car fishtails)
Well, for one thing, I enjoy drifting/fishtailing when it's raining or there's snow (I only do that if there aren't other cars around though). Having weight over the drive wheels is pretty good for grip yes, but having the drive wheels also doing the steering is not a good thing, especially in unexpected situations. I suppose that a driver that's aware of the limitations of their vehicle will always fare better in poor weather than someone who knows nothing about drive systems and weight distribution, so it just comes down to preference. I prefer RWD (even over all wheel drive).
With thinner tyres, your car is more likely to sink through the snow and get better grip. It's perhaps bad in really deep snow, I wouldn't know.. but for the less than a foot of snow that we usually have on UK roads, it's definitely better with thinner tyres. I've never used real snow tyres, so I don't know about them.
I don't really mind that you killed a kangaroo, but I don't think it's valid to use the same logic in areas where there's a high chance of humans being near the road.
If you don't have time to detect and avoid someone/something you don't want to kill (or is illegal to kill) walking out from cars or other objects at the side of the road, and especially if you don't have time to detect something that's already on the road, you're going too fast for the conditions.
I love RWD in the snow. I'd say the width of your tyres mattes more than the drive system. It also depends how much snow you get I suppose. Snow is never a problem for me, but ice can really suck when it's on an incline (as in the car park at my last flat, where I had a lot of fun trying to get going some days..).
They don't stand to profit from anything right now, this is just news about a research project. If you are annoyed at the lack of product reviews for a product that doesn't even exist yet, maybe you should stop reading tech news sites.
The difference is that these articles are about research projects, not final products. This one doesn't even say that the car moves, just that it can detects things. So it's probably about one student's project into computer vision.. no, I haven't RTFA
driving down small public roads on a sunny day is fun. Its why we play video games.
No, we play video games because doing the same things in real life is often either stupid/dangerous, or impossible (alien worlds, Portal guns, etc).
Driving can be very enjoyable without being dangerous about it. If you want to really let loose on a public road, I recommend not buying a car that can do 0-60mph in less than 6 seconds.
hey the guy said he can reed, not ryt
Out of morbid curiosity - who uploaded the content, and why isn't the law firm chasing that guy?
There's a possibility that the porn company uploaded it themselves, just so that they could execute this plan.
Th **AA have been caught doing similar things, so it's not unprecedented.
Of course it's very possible that a normal user uploaded them too.
If a camel is a horse designed by a committee, then a consensus forecast is a camel's behind. -- Edgar R. Fiedler