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Comment Re:Global warming is a benefit (Score 1) 204

India's climate is changing. Its getting better. Earlier May and June used to be horribly hot. Now due to the warmer waters of the Med North India is getting a lot more Western Disturbances which create rain and keep the temps in check. Warmer Indian ocean means stronger monsoons and Monsoons are arriving almost 15 days early. This makes a difference. The last 15 days of summer are when temps hit 45-50 C. If rains arrive 15 days earlier it makes a huge difference in the number of sunstroke victims. Just because the average temp is going up doesnt mean climate change is not cooling things down locally

Comment Global warming is a benefit (Score 0, Troll) 204

What the human race is finding out that except for a few isolated areas like the US east Coast (stronger hurricanes) and North West Europe( no gulf stream means mini ice age), global warming is a net benefit. It has increased rain in the Sahara, Arabia and the Indian subcontinent. Longer growing seasons in Canada and Russia as well as higher CO2 (plant food) availability in the atmosphere has visibly greened the world in the last 50 years. The changes are clearly visible in satellite pics from 1970 and 2020. Also the thawing of the Arctic opens up much more efficient trade routes. Of course countries who benefit from the Status Quo will always fight to preserve the status quo but net-net the world benefits from global warming.

So despite the global warming panic funded by the same people who said in the 1970s pollution is going to cause a global winter, most people are beginning to ignore the hype and continue on with their lives

Comment What about crop yields? (Score 0) 57

What does removing CO2 aka plant food from the atmosphere do? Since 1900 as the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has gone from 0.03 to 0.04%, food crop yields have tripled. Some of that is due to better genetics but a lot is also due to higher availability of CO2 in the atmosphere. All the global warming panic is liable to create man made famines due to lowered crop yields.

Comment Re:Palestinians literally allied with Nazis (Score 1) 522

If European Jews had come to Palestine like Indonesians come to Arabia, no one would have had an issue. After all jews lived in Palestine under the Ottomans and previous Islamic empires in peace. The problem was Jews from Europe coming to Palestine and wanting to be in charge claiming to the British the Arabs are backward and should not be in charge even if they are the majority. Thats colonialism.

Comment Re:If you have to ask then the answer must be no. (Score 1) 170

The Sahara has noticeably greened since 1970. Its clearly visible on Satellite images. Indian subcontinent too is getting earlier and stronger monsoons. Pakistan is getting flooded as they havnt built the infrastructure to trap the extra moisture but if they do , it means a longer growing season and higher crop productivity. Same for Arabia. Notice UAE now is getting rain when it was a barren wasteland earlier.

Comment Re:If you have to ask then the answer must be no. (Score -1, Flamebait) 170

Go troll somewhere else. Even the worst case scenario for global warming just means more farming in Canada and Siberia. The poles are warming much faster than the tropics. Heck the sub-tropics are actually cooling due to more rain. Its climate change. For places with a bad climate, change is good. Sahara for example will be turning green due to the extra rains from warmer oceans. When going through a bad patch the key is to keep going, not turn around and try to go back because you get stuck in the worst part of it. Right now we are having localized heating but soon the extra rain from warmer oceans will make Mali much more habitable.

Comment Re:Palestinians literally allied with Nazis (Score 1) 522

And before that it was called Canaan. Should we bring the Canaanites back to displace the Israelites?

And anyway most European Jews are Ukrainian origin. The Khazar khaganate in the Donbass converted to Judaism and most Ashkenazi Jews dont look like anything in the middle east. Most of the Jews from ancient times converted. Their descendants are the Palestinians.

So European Jews are not really coming back to an homeland. It would be like Indonesians coming to Arabia and kicking the Arabs out and claiming they are just coming back to their Islamic homeland or Rastafarians coming to Ireland and kicking the Irish out claiming they are coming back to their Druidic homeland.

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