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Comment So... (Score 1) 360

This is one post on one forum. I can't find much evidence of this elsewhere. Has it been replicated? My thoughts are that these software were recently installed and the update rolled back to the most recent system restore for some reason. Or that the software was not intentioanlly uninstalled, but the references to in the registry, etc., were inadvertantly over-written. Sure, it could be big bad Microsoft or it could have a very simple explanation.

Comment so... (Score 1) 223

Earlier this month, the publisher reported the success of this measure, saying that the proportion of readers using ad blockers dropped from 23% to the single digits when faced with the choice to turn off the software or pay. 'The results are beyond our expectations,'

So 23% of these sensible people left and went to a different mediocre news source? Hard to know without the denominator available. But that's the nature of modern mediocre journalism.

Comment So... (Score 4, Interesting) 345

I would much rather we classify conditions such as autism by the extent that someone is unable to lead a full and prosperous life. Rather than get all tangled up with low-level biases that may or may not say something about the disability. All this study really shows is that personality types are attracted to certain jobs. It does not advance our knowledge of autism. What would have been really interesting is whether there is a change in score over time as people enter various careers - to more autistic traits emerge in people who code for a living.

Comment Re:Status was NOT divulged, only email identities (Score 1) 65

It would be fairly trivial to write a script that cycles through a list of email addresses and sends a personalized mail to each address. I wouild also imagine somewhere in MS's office package the mail merge feature could be tweaked to make this happen. Anyone who relies on email as a part of thier business to communicate with clients really ought to have something in place that manages contacts, keeps them up to date and facilitates distribution of information. I think the issue with this particular clinic is that they are most likely underfunded and can't invest in comms. Actually, this is something Google and MS should think about - they've been pretty proactive in small charity and related areas - easy to make a newsletter app happen in both Office and Gmail.

Comment Shouldn't have said anything (Score 1) 65

So what seems to have happened is that someone, some admin guy, was asked to send out the HIV Monthly newsletter by email. Does just that but in such a way all email addresses were visible. Now, probably like a lot of people, I also receive emailed newsletters and similar. Occasionally they also have all other recipients email addresses exposed. So my thoughts are whether this is a general issue that affects all mass email or is it something specific to this clinic? Receipt of a newsletter from an HIV clinic does not necessarily mean you have HIV. My guess is a lot of recipients will be trustees, bureaucrats and various others. Also, is an email address personal information? Certainly some people will have their name in their address but for many those email addresses are already on twitter, facebook and various other locations. So this particular case seems like a storm in a tea cup, but it also suggests there might be a general issue in the way mass email is sent that needs some thought.

Comment Symptom (Score 1) 256

So under-representation of BMEs and women in large tech company is the symptom. What we need to understand is the cause. Encouraging companies like FaceBook to address the issue is one approach and given their resources one that might bring about change. Perhaps Facebook could target bright kids in certain communities with fellowships and the like - try and encourage more to engage in a tech career?

Comment Reasonable (Score 4, Insightful) 214

The dossier – called UFO New Religious Movements and the Millennium – was drawn up in response to the 1997 mass suicide by 39 cultists in San Diego known as Heaven's Gate.

Given that cults with a somewhat "sci-fi" approach to their idiocy exist it seems fair game to, at the very least, think through possible scenarios and plan accordingly. This is surely good disaster planning, certainly logical. What has happened here, it seems, is that someone has suggested regular "trekkies" are the real risk to garner attention and to sell someone's book.

Comment Re:Royal Mail - Doing it in London years ago (Score 3, Interesting) 117

Here you go. My understanding is that London is full of all sorts of tunnels built for various purposes. From the huge Victorian era sewage system to the London Underground and various utility tunnels. Chatting to engineers, one of the issues they have building anything in London is that often you'll encounter some uncharted tunnel. Odd though this may sound, I have exploring London's underground tunnels on my bucket list.

Comment Great (Score 0) 148

Wasn't this the first fictional program to premier worldwide simultaneously? I think it is kind of a shame that this globally shared event has been spoiled. When Armstrong first put his foot on the lunar surface it was watched across the world. Recently people write and complain if a shuttle launch interrupted their TV schedule. We are a miserable species - can't even hold back and wait for a fictional show about flying reptiles and chilly landscapes.

Comment On your keyring (Score 1) 446

For only a few GBs? I have one of those tough memory sticks as a keyring for my car keys. On there I have a few encrypted containers that hold the stuff I would like immediate access to should disaster strike. Plus most valuable photos, etc.. This does not mitigate the daily backups to various locations, obviously. But I figure that if there is a disaster then I will mostly likely want to drive away from it and will have with me that really important stuff.

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