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Comment Re:Couch multiplayer (Score 1) 348

there's literally NOTHING it can play that couldn't also be played on a PC or elsewhere.

Except for games designed around couch multiplayer.

no that isnt an exception, it can do that too.

A PC in the living room could play couch multiplayer if it existed. Until the Steam Machine, it didn't exist in numbers big enough to draw attention from notable publishers.

yeah /. users are real experts on what the majority of people do.

Let me give you a list of examples of the posts I'm talking about. But if Slashdot is an unreliable source about the prevalence of living room PCs as of the fourth quarter of 2013, I'd be glad to consider other sources.

that's just wrong, tens of millions of people own gamepads.

Few people who prefer to play PC games already own PC-compatible gamepads. For example, how many people have installed drivers to use a Wii Remote or a Dual Shock 3 on a PC? How many people have bought the PC receiver for Xbox 360 wireless controllers?

This leaves people having to buy gamepads and having to crowd around a comparatively tiny PC monitor in order to play a game together.

no it doesnt.

Please explain why it doesn't. Consider a case where people are visiting my home for whatever reason, and we end up getting an itch to play a video game together, and the others didn't bring their PCs because it was a spontaneous gathering as opposed to a LAN party planned weeks in advance. If there isn't already a PC connected to the TV, these people have to crowd around a desktop PC monitor.

yeah we can all play multiplayer on a [singular] steam controller, what was that about needing to buy gamepads again?

First, as Anonymous Coward explained in this post, if a player first learned how to play a game using the gamepad control scheme, the player is more likely to want to continue to play with a gamepad than if a player first learned on mouse and keyboard. So if you suggest playing together on a Steam Machine, someone else who owns a Steam Machine is more likely to be willing to use the extra Steam Controllers that you bought than someone who uses only the mouse and keyboard. Besides, it's much more convenient to bring a Steam Controller from home than to bring an entire desktop PC rig from home.

Comment Re:Game Boy successors get updates too (Score 0) 348

The DSi hasn't gotten one in a while as far as I can tell, and when it does it's mostly to break the Flash carts that let you illegally copy games.

And a VCR lets you illegally copy movies. True, commercial DS games are proprietary, but amateur games and applications (such as anything using DLDI) are made to be copied. Or are you arguing that amateur games and applications deserve not to exist?

Comment Pixels vs. inches (Score 1) 348

If you're trying to fit two to four people around a monitor, pixels don't matter quite as much as inches. Case in point: During the fifth generation, people played GoldenEye on N64 despite each of four players getting about a 144x112 pixel window. And during the sixth generation, people played console-style games on a PS2, Xbox, or GameCube and SDTV even though PCs accepted USB gamepads and had more pixels.

Comment Game Boy successors get updates too (Score 1) 348

I can't see the average gameboy putting up with having to wait while his Steam Machine updates yet again.

Funny you mentioned the Game Boy. Both the Nintendo DSi and the Nintendo 3DS, the successors to the Game Boy line, get operating system updates. I don't own one, so I can't tell you how frequent they are.

Comment Re:over before it began (Score 1) 348

sharing (share games with friends with the new steam family share plan)

The problem with sharing is that you lend your entire library at once. When you log back in, the other user is kicked out even if playing a different game. Besides, what do you do if you want to play a multiplayer game with someone else living in or visiting your home?

Comment What's a better cross-platform platform? (Score 1) 84

Guys, stop trying to turn the browser into a platform.

Then what's a better platform for developers who want to reach users of Windows, OS X, desktop Linux, Android, iOS, Windows RT, Windows Phone, and the game consoles? Making a program work on more than one platform requires severe modifications, sometimes including translation of every line of code into a different programming language. Windows Phone 7 and Xbox Live Indie Games, for example, couldn't run anything but verifiably type-safe .NET CF CIL. And all except the first four require permission from the operating system publisher before your code will even run, and said permission is not guaranteed.

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