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Comment still not as bad as apple (Score 1) 489

remember kids, apple is the new microsoft.

now, let's look at this like the critical nerds we all are.

debian had this earlier than anyone else! popularity contest anyone? but it was opt-in.
then microsoft had windows update, which send all that anyway still opt-in. apple followed closely with they update thing, not opt-in anymore.
then apple went gold with itunes on mobiles, and android (and everybody else) followed. you stopped having privacy or even owing your stuff.
then apple decided you still had too much freedom and now they have the same on desktops.
meanwhile ubuntu being the evil linux followed suit and made popularity contest opt-out.
and why is people now being chocked that microsoft is just following the crowd?

Comment Re:Knobs and switches (Score 1) 233

Land rovers are rich people toy. They are made to fall apartat 100kmiles or a couple years.

It's a feature. If it really were adventure cars it wouldn't came only in auto.

And comparing buttons such as a rover dash to an ipod... What are you? 16?
Do you even know you have more than a radio there?

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