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User Journal

Journal Journal: [MacBook] When Mac Ain't Happy... 41

So, I get my MacBook back from Memphis, where apparently they replaced "APP-603-8071 ASSY, HEATSINK, M42".

Run upstairs with it, pull it out of the box, say sweet, happy things to it to welcome it home, plug it in, turn it on... It WORKS!!! Do little happy wiggle dance of operable MacBook joy. Start checking email.

Little icon starts jumping up and down in the dock. What's that? Oh, you want a security upgrade? OK, I guess that'll be fine.
User Journal

Journal Journal: No, NO, Mr. Noodle!! 5

You can't brush your hair with a toothbrush! You'll get germs in your hair from your teeth.
User Journal

Journal Journal: [Macbook/iPod] It just DOESN'T work!! 12

So I'm shipping off my SECOND MacBook today for repairs. It's having the same issues that the first one did -- shutting down intermittently, for absolutely no apparent reason. And this one hasn't even been dropped once!*
User Journal

Journal Journal: [Movies] I take 'em on FOUR at a time BABY 12

Since I last did a movie review JE, I actually got *so* desperate from the throttling that I visited my local video store. It helps that it's just 3 stores down from my coffee shop, and sometimes when I'm hanging out there on a Saturday, I will cross paths with Nicky the Video Store Guy.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Kicky Shoes: $9/Blisters: FREE! 8

Aw, fuck it.

I had been working on another Movie Review JE. I've been watching a bunch of shit lately -- a lot of it really good. Yes, really good shit. Sounds like an oxymoron, but... well, maybe when it comes to me and the movies I like, it is.

Couldn't get into the Movie JE thing, though.
User Journal

Journal Journal: [NYTimes] The Taming of the Slur 7

July 13, 2006
The Taming of the Slur

WHISPERS follow her like so many eyes. She is the one who will go home with you, the sure bet, the kind of girl you can lie down with and then walk all over. She is ogled, envied and often ostracized. She is the slut.

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"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberrys!" -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
