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Journal bethanie's Journal: [MacBook] When Mac Ain't Happy... 41

So, I get my MacBook back from Memphis, where apparently they replaced "APP-603-8071 ASSY, HEATSINK, M42".

Run upstairs with it, pull it out of the box, say sweet, happy things to it to welcome it home, plug it in, turn it on... It WORKS!!! Do little happy wiggle dance of operable MacBook joy. Start checking email.

Little icon starts jumping up and down in the dock. What's that? Oh, you want a security upgrade? OK, I guess that'll be fine.

Continue checking my email for a few minutes while the update downloads. Needs to restart? OK, sure -- might as well do it now, before I really get into anything. Go ahead, restart.

Three minutes later, looking at a blank grey screen: Hey. Are you gonna restart?

Three minutes after that, same grey screen: Awwwww FUCK.

Fortunately I still have the Monster Laptop PC up and running -- easy enough to hop on and try to see if there's some fun way to try to reboot the machine from a disk or from the last saved hard drive image or something... To no avail. I find to be pretty much useless; I can't ever find what it is that I want there.

So fuck it, I paid for this phone support shit. Might as well call and get in the queue.

So, after trying to reboot from the CD, resetting the PMU, and asking it *really* nicely, the MacBook is getting yet ANOTHER trip to Memphis.

Interesting thing is, it vacillates between giving me the blank grey screen and a nice, pretty one with multicolored stripes. And this is how I feel about it.

Anyone wanna start placing bets as to what's wrong with it this time? How about whether or not they ACTUALLY get it fixed this time around?

Also, what do y'all think I should demand of them for all the time and trouble this stupid fucking machine has caused me, short of returning it for a full refund? (Although, to be honest, the return/refund option is *very* much on the table at the moment.)
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[MacBook] When Mac Ain't Happy...

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  • Cut your losses, demand your money back while you still can, and pretend this never happened.

    Dude, you're getting a Dell.
  • Macs are supposed to "just work."

    If it doesn't, screw it.

    P.S.- your link to the unhappy mac icon is using a localhost address.

    P.P.S - the implications of "localhost" are left as an exercise for the reader.
    • Dude. Try clicking "Go" on your browser, like it says to do in my Bio. This is a problem that people have had before (and I had it when I was checking the links, actually).

      • Try clicking "Go" on your browser, like it says to do in my Bio.

        Why click once, when you can click twice!

        See, this is exactly analogous to your mac issues.

        Here is how Mekka B bites into a reeses, err, links to a photo [].

        /Getting it right the first time
        //Not the mantra of customer service
      • If you explain to me where the "Go" button is in Firefox, I'll stop complaining. There is a "Go" menu entry, but that isn't what you menan. Just clicking "Refresh" doesn't work in Firefox.

        Copy and pasting the URLs works. What is most likely the case, is that kills off slashdot referrals. Which is very much understandable. I suggest using [] to link to your blog entries, it might solve the problem.

        As for your mac: get a replacement or a refund. This one is clearly a hopeless

        • In my Firefox, the "Go" button is immediately to the right of the address bar. Green button, with a white triangle pointing to the right. Says "Go" next to it. Of course, that last thing may vary with language. :-)
          • No, no... I use English everywhere where I can. I just never noticed it. I'm more a keyboard kind of guy. I'd push Return/Enter and wonder why nothing happens. Apparently, it isn't equivalent. (Which is really strange) Thanks for pointing it out: I have never needed it before. She still can try tinyurl.

            • She is still NOT going to use tinyurl. She is happy doing what she does with the blogger thing, because it's easy for her. She figures if people want to see the pictures badly enough, they'll figure out how. After all, THEY're the big bad geeks around here.

              • Because she is pissing off people that want to use a browser by simply clicking? Hey, you post pics. If they don't show up in my browser, I don't care and frankly... you can be glad I even tried to press Enter/Return.

                One thing you have to make sure when *publishing* is that your readers get easy access to your data. That "Go" button pushing is stupidity. I'm sorry, I've been on the Internet/WWW since 1994 and I've never noticed it. I'm surely not the only one... /P?

                • You should totally demand a full refund.
                • Wow. Since 1994. That's a long time to go without your connection being dropped even once. ;-)
                • If I piss people off, they don't have to bother with it, then. It's really easy -- either they want to see it two click's worth (which, to my knowledge does NOT happen ALL the time), or they don't.

                  I'm not providing some kind of service here, I'm not asking for anyone to do me any favors. And I certainly don't assume that I'm doing anyone else any. The fact is, using Picasa2 and Blogger is what is easy and comfortable for me to do. I go to enough effort just to *take* fucking pictures, I don't feel compel
                  • I go to enough effort just to *take* fucking pictures...

                    Better label those as NSFIW. Thanks. :-)
                    • ACtually, they'll fail on the localhost, so they're pretty safe for work.

                      I go to enough effort just to *take* pictures...

                      Right, you already put in *some* effort, why bother with any follow-through? /half-assed is better than none, right?
                    • There's an extra letter in there. NSFW isn't the issue...
                    • The question is, WHO am I putting in the effort for? Someone ELSE who's too half-assed lazy to click a fucking MOUSE button?

                      They gotta want it, baby. And if it ain't worth it, then hey, no hard feelin's.

                    • The question is, WHO am I putting in the effort for? Someone ELSE who's too half-assed lazy to click a fucking MOUSE button?
                      IF the question was WHO, then I agree.
                      But No, that is absolutely NOT the question; YOU FAIL. You are PUBLISHING. You are putting forth a PRODUCT.
                      And the product sucks. Take pride in your work or don't do it at all. Even a slack-jawed yokel [] can do a great jorb now and again. (ohh! Another well-linked pic! Why, it's almost easy!)

                      They gotta want it, baby. And if it ain't worth it, the
                    • I'm one confused puppy []: What's the "I" for?

                      /Hopefully not for "team"!
                    • As I already posted to JtS, I'm doing this for ME. I'm the only one who really has to be satisfied with my "product." And honestly, I am.

                      I understand your point -- and generally, I agree with you. A job worth doing is worth doing well. But this problem doesn't crop up every time -- AND there IS a one-click, VERY reliable link that stays over in my bio. As a matter of fact, that's the link that *I* usually use when I need to get to my stuff. It's convenient enough for me, so that's about as far as I'm will
                  • I don't think you really understand. The fact that you wrote this journal and that you posted pictures, indicates to me that you *do* care that people read your writings and look at your pictures. If you don't, why didn't you simply write in that little book you keep in your drawer (hypothetical assumuption)

                    The point is: once you have an audience, you have a responsibility to make our (= the audience) life easy. If you do not, your audience will dwindle and where are you then with your unread journal?

                    • No, Jorg sweetheart, YOU are the one who apparently doesn't understand. You're making an assumption that is essentially flawed -- that I keep this journal for anyone other than myself.

                      To answer your question: Why not just keep a paper journal, then? Because my preferred media are electronic. It'd be much less convenient for me to PRINT my pictures and stick them in a book. I also enjoy being able to access my journal from any internet-enabled machine, whether it's from someone else's house or the library
                    • The go button is nice for certain items, not having it annoys me. Mostly when I copy paste a link and my hand is already on the Mouse, typically because I was copy/pasting it form a browser or such that does not use carets (though Firefox does have a caret browsing mode).

                      Oh, the entire problem is that Blogger does not allow direct linking to pictures; it checks the http referred, this is common, people should be used to it by now. It is pretty norm on forums to take the image URL and copy/paste it into th
                • I got ya back, toothy-jack, er, j0rg.

                  Which is also one of the reasons I tire of /., the <img> tag has been around for a while... why can't we use it?!
              • And she has apparently commenced to talking about herself in the third person. This is always an interesting development. ;-)
                • Especially when she puts the lotion on her skin...

                  But seriously. She probably figured if that was the tenor of the conversation (3rd person, that is), then why buck the trend? It's always better to talk about someone like they're not really there, anyway.

                • Laptops will do that to you.

                  They got my new desktop at work yesterday (I wanted one that will support dual monitors, so second video card. The made an amd64 3500+ - not too shabby). Until today, I've been lugging one of my boxes from home every morning.

                  The new boss asked why I didn't just bring a laptop (I have a laptop sitting on the night stand. Hasn't even been turned on since some time last year, I think). I pointed out that laptops don't come with 2/3TB of storage, 3 video outs, 2 tv outs, dual ni

  • switch *back* commercial. You could do one like that sleepy teenager chick 7 6955336366 []. You've already written the dialog! Just read it straight from your journal entry! BTW I've installed hundreds if not thousands of computers over the last 2 decades, and I always remove the GO button from the browsers' toolbars. I didn't know anyone had ever used them! ...maybe I better go back and add those back in...

1 Angstrom: measure of computer anxiety = 1000 nail-bytes
