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Journal bethanie's Journal: [Macbook/iPod] It just DOESN'T work!! 12

So I'm shipping off my SECOND MacBook today for repairs. It's having the same issues that the first one did -- shutting down intermittently, for absolutely no apparent reason. And this one hasn't even been dropped once!*

I'm a little leery about having to send a brand fucking new machine in for "repairs" -- I think that a new one would be in order. But then again, how many new computers to I have to break in (meaning personalize the settings and download the shit like to use, etc.) before I finally get one that's gonna keep working for more than two weeks?

Oh, and I never have figured out how to get iTunes working right with the new Mac. First I lost all my playlists (fortunately, they're still alive and well on the PC), and then somehow all the ones that I HAD lost back in January when my PC hard drive crashed showed up on my Mac. Of course, none of them are actually populated with songs... but the names of the playlists are there.


And to add insult to injury, my iPod's not working any more, either. I followed the 5 Rs from the website -- still have the sad iPod icon, still get nothing when I plug it into the computer. So I'm breaking down and sending it in. I don't really care if it has to be restored or anything -- the playlists *are* still in tact on my PC.

I'm hopeful that the repair process will go smoothly. My MacBook started crashing first thing Monday morning, so when I got home from the gym and the grocery store, the first thing I did was look up the support number for Apple and call in. Made good use of the time on hold by putting away groceries and fixing lunches.

So after 70 minutes on hold and about 10 minutes talking to real people, I got my repair request filed and then, as if by magic, a box appeared outside my bedroom door this morning. Too bad that the DHL man didn't hand it off in person, 'cause I was sleeping nekkid last night and would have been very appreciative of a suprise visit. Oh well.

The iPod repair, I took care of all online, so that's pretty nice. I also have Hubby's Nano to tide me over until it comes back. 'Cause without my tunes, it'd be REALLY hard for me to get a good workout in. The music is what keeps me going hard.

So, anyway -- Apple's not having that great a track record with me right now. That's too bad, because I *really* want to like their stuff. If the repair and return process go smoothly, it will at least be *some*thing in their favor. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

*OK, OK, I'll go ahead and admit it -- the first MacBook I had fell out of my computer bag and into the parking lot. But it was NOT a big fall -- it really should have been working fine after that. Now that a second one is having the same *exact* problem, I feel pretty vindicated.

UPDATE: HOLY FUCK!!!!! This shit ACTUALLY works!!
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[Macbook/iPod] It just DOESN'T work!!

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  • You can back up your OS image onto an external drive, and restore it later. That'll save you the trouble of reimplementing your setting seach time.

    Another, easier way to do it is to back up your home directory. That's right, copy it all onto a flash drive. Then copy it back when you get back.

    Of course, if you've already sent the machine in, that won't help.
    • You assume that I would know what an "OS image" is, anyway, and how to access it and save it.

      Dude. I got a Mac for a *reason*. I AM NOT A REAL GEEK.

      And yes, it's already gone. So too late. :-)

  • by rk ( 6314 ) *

    I make an iPod repair kit that works just as well and only charge $8.95 for it. You got suckered.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I took the first one in to the bar at Lenox -- they couldn't swap it because I had bought it online and had "special" upgrades done (different HD & RAM upgrade). But they were nice about it, anyway.

      As for the OS experience, I have no idea what makes it more advantageous than anything else. I still haven't tried to install any of my PC software -- I'm kinda hoping to switch over to OpenOffice (but honestly, I'm worried about the learning curve; I need to be able to hit the ground running with that shit
    • By all means, DO blame Apple - just like their evil empire monopolistic competition, releasing buggy crap rather than a solid product. Me, I've returned to Stupid n00b Status, but I *am* learning Kubuntu, and in a year or so will be an intermediate user of a good OS on good gear - I hope I never buy all the way in to OS snobbishness, but I will maintain my opinions of bad business practices regardless of practitioners.
  • The random shutdown problem is a known issue with the MacBook. I have two friends with the same problem and they're both really annoyed by it as well. It seems to be a huge batch of faulty hardware. This may even continue happening regardless of how many new MacBooks you get. 8/4689 []
  • UPDATE: HOLY FUCK!!!!! This shit ACTUALLY works!!

    /me falls out of chair laughing

    *coworker pops head over cubicle wall to see what's up*

    Gratuitous expletives for my morning reading enjoyment. :) Thanks for brightening my morning!

    • My pleasure. :-)

      Actually, it was kinda fun taking my sexy little INOPERATIVE piece of machinery and SLAMMING it against the heel of my hand. I figured I was gonna have to send it off anyway, so what did I have to lose? And that was my immediate reaction.

      I'm always delighted to provide a plethora of gratuitous expletives for EVERYONE's reading enjoyment. :-)


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