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Comment Re:Hamburger Analogy (Score 1) 431

Preventing people from travelling/taxing it beyond reason is only something you would want to do if you wanted to stifle the economy.

If setting the price of something at market equilibrium is "taxing it beyond reason," then you must think eBay's prices are unreasonably high.

Increasing traffic throughput improves the economy, but diminishing returns says that at some point, it's no longer worth the cost. Before you choose to widen a road, you should determine whether the benefits are actually worth the cost.

Comment Re:Hamburger Analogy (Score 1) 431

Adding tolls to roads does not fix congestion, it just makes it more expensive to sit in congestion.

False. Perfect price inelasticity of demand only exists in theory. If people are still sitting in congestion, then the toll is still too low for that particular time of day and day of the week. The solution is to remove the price ceiling.

Comment Re:Japan Hamburger fail (Score 2) 431

if the roads are sufficient then you don't have congestion.

That's correct, and when the price of using them is set at the market equilibrium price, the roads will be sufficient in that supply and demand will be in equilibrium. Setting the price below the market equilibrium rate is never a good long-term strategy.

The optimal amount of road lane-miles is not the amount where there's never any congestion when the price is zero, but the amount where the cost of traffic congestion equals the price of the tolls or the cost of adding more road.

Variable pricing does not fix capacity, it rewards incompetence.

And that's why restaurant managers who set different lunch and dinner prices do so because they are incompetent.

No, incompetence is setting the price below the market equilibrium rate as a long-term strategy.

Comment Re:Hamburger Analogy (Score 3, Insightful) 431

Air is a public good because it is "both non-excludable and non-rivalrous in that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from use and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others." Freeways are not public goods because a vehicle taking up space on the road reduces availability of the road to others.

Comment Hamburger Analogy (Score 2, Interesting) 431

Widening the 405 is an expensive and only temporary band-aid to the problem of traffic congestion. The hamburger analogy explains why:

Let's give everyone free McDonald's hamburgers. Let's put 10,000 hamburgers a day on a table in front of the Capitol (or wherever).

What would happen? People would take and eat the hamburgers, and once word got out, all 10,000 hamburgers would be taken very quickly every day. We may thus infer that because people need food and they really seemed to like those burgers, McDonald's hamburgers are an important public good.

A city planner might notice a problem: those 10,000 hamburgers just aren't enough. They get taken very early in the morning, so not everybody has a chance to get a hamburger. The obvious solution--because burgers are a highly-valued public good--is to provide more free burgers. So the city planner starts to provide 20,000 hamburgers a day.

You can see where this is going. People start going out of their way to get the free hamburgers, and planning their day around that trip. The city has to keep providing more and more free burgers--eventually millions a day--to keep satisfying the demand for free hamburgers.

Free hamburgers are like unpriced freeway lanes. Eventually they will all get taken up. Any city planner (and Elon Musk) should know that a shortage happens when the price of an item is set below the going rate determined by supply and demand. It's much, much easier and cheaper to fix the problem of traffic congestion once and for all with a variable price set at the market equilibrium rate than by trying to build your way out of traffic congestion. Even Randal O'Toole agrees.

Comment Here's a better idea: (Score 1) 326

Don't. Every state already has the power to equalize internet and local sales taxes, by abolishing its local sales tax.

The sales tax is regressive and discourages commerce. Because this goes contrary to the welfare and commerce clauses of the U.S. Constitution, the federal government should be actively discouraging the use of a sales tax, not encouraging it.

Further, the sales tax encourages cities to offer incentives to big-box stores and give them a competitive advantage over small businesses. On the other hand, a property tax encourages cities to make land-use decisions that increase property values. I would rather have higher property values in my city than more Wal-Marts, wouldn't you?

Comment Re:Taxis first (Score 1) 352

I'm sure that all pedestrians, including kids, will follow those rules.

At least it can guarantee a safe crossing. That guarantee doesn't exist today.

And no one, including kids, will loiter in the "pedestrian refuge area", thus screwing up the whole system.

The police just need to enforce the law against obstructing traffic.

What does "safe to do so" mean, and what if some idiot jumps out into the road and it's not safe to stop?

"Safe to do so" means the same as what it means at yellow lights.

Comment Re:Taxis first (Score 1) 352

Compare that to trying to figure out if some guy who's not watching is going to step off the curb and into your way...

This requires a law that gives the pedestrian the right-of-way even before he/she enters the crosswalk. Either a hand signal or standing in a pedestrian refuge area would indicate that traffic must stop if it is safe to do so, and wait for the pedestrian to cross.

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