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Comment Re:Whole Trial is bullshit (Score 1) 325

Actually you just have to "feel" your life is in danger to take defensive violent action.

I believe the usual standard is that a jury agrees that a reasonable person would feel and do the same in the same situation.

If you see someone coming at you with what you believe is a weapon then you can defend yourself from them under stand your ground law.

As noted by the other replier, this is not a "stand your ground" issue.

Comment Re:Whole Trial is bullshit (Score 2) 325

Actually, yes you do lose your right to self-defense if you're told to back off.

Read the transcript. Zimmerman wasn't actually told to back off.

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entranceâ¦fucking [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah

Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: Ok

Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?

Zimmerman: Georgeâ¦He ran.

Dispatcher: Alright George what's your last name?

Zimmerman: Zimmerman

Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?

See? I bolded the part in question. Zimmerman wasn't told to break off pursuit, but rather that the authorities didn't need him to do that. And I might add that a 911 dispatcher doesn't have a legally recognized authority.

Comment Re:Options (Score 1) 101

Far more important than climate change in my life time, i'll be dead in 50 or so years so it won't be a problem to ME

If that were my attitude, then I wouldn't bother considering any of these problems I listed. None of them are problems (well aside from corruption) for me or people I care about. But if you rationally consider this stuff, then you have to put climate change pretty far down the list because a) it's not urgent, and b) it doesn't actually cause that much trouble.

I don't know why people regularly accuse me of not caring about the future. If they really did care about the future and rationally think about it, then they too would have lowered the priority of dealing with climate change.

Comment Re:Not So Free Market (Score 1) 82

Lemme get this straight... Someone steals a car that *you're* responsible for violates the laws of the country that *you* chose to live in by running someone over and killing them, and your response is to threaten the police for arresting and blaming you for the murder? Wow... not only are you a value citizen, you're a great role model! ( :

Ownership of a product or service has never meant legal responsibility for misuse if used against your will. That shouldn't change now just because the music/movie industry wants to be treated as a unique and special snowflake by being handed a cheap way to find people guilty of crime without bothering to do the necessary legwork to prove their case like everyone else meaning that inevitably innocent people are being punished for the crimes of others.

P.S. Your smileys are as retarded and backwards as your argument and ideas.

Comment Re:When did I defend Union Bosses (Score 1) 467

The odd thing is, what you've described is how unions work in much of the world. For example, in the UK if a union negotiates a better compensation deal for its members, then this deal must also be offered to all non-union staff. Companies are not allowed to discriminate either for or against union members, which means that you can't be required to join a union to work somewhere and unions can't enforce union-only shops. In many professions, there are multiple unions that compete for members.

Comment Re:Poor premise (Score 1) 229

The slowest PowerPC Apple sold was about 50% faster than the fastest m68K they sold. The slowest x86 chip the sold was slower than the fastest PowerPC, but most of their sales at that time were laptops and the Core 2 that they introduced in the second generation (when it actually made sense to by an Intel Mac) was around 2GHz and dual core, replacing a 1.5GHz (1.67GHz on the really top end) PowerPC G4 (which, clock for clock, was slower than the Core 2 and was crippled by poor memory bandwidth). When I switched, I forgot that I was running a PowerPC build of VLC: it was using about 80% of one core when running emulated, where previously it had been using about 50% when running native on PowerPC - it was slower, but not enough that it was noticeable. And when I installed a native version, the CPU load dropped to about 20%, making it much faster than it had ever been on PowerPC.

Switching on mobile chips would not give them anything like this level of performance differential, and so emulated code would be slower. It might not be noticeably slower, if the performance-critical parts are all in CoreAnimation or OpenCL / GLSL, but slower in a mobile device means lower battery life, and that's a much more serious constraint.

Comment Re:God it feels good to be an American!!!!!!! (Score 1) 621

"Soldiers don't usually get charged with murder for combat operations"

Yes and therein lies the problem, they should.

In many European countries at least you're not even supposed to fire until you've confirmed a target is an absolute threat - i.e. if it's fired at you and yes this puts your life at risk but you're a soldier and that's your job.

America's throwing out the window of the concept of "do not fire until fired upon" has been disastrous for it and the reason it frankly lost the Iraq invasion and has lost in Afghanistan (in both cases, the militants are still there in massive numbers with massive influence).

When you look at the collateral damage video for example you can see the Apache gunner's camera clearly states the range as over 1km from the targets, so there was literally no justification to pull the trigger under any circumstances - the Apache was out of RPG range, let alone effective RPG range and the people on the ground had not fired at any other US soldiers or shown any intention of doing so. The Apache pilots were given permission to fire regardless and what's the net effect? dead civilians, dead Americans and increased hatred for America and increased recruitment propaganda for the militants. The net effect? The militants get stronger and the Americans get weaker, which is why they've failed to achieve a victory in both Iraq and Afghanistan - because they put themselves above the law, above civilians and that makes them hated, and that makes them a target. The Apache video was one of many incidents of lack of punishment for clear violations of normally accepted engagement rules.

That is also why the likes of the Boston bombings occured, because as the culprits stated, they were recruited because they were sick of seeing civilians killed by America.

America desperately needs to start punishing it's soldiers properly when they fuck up, it needs to show occupied countries what justice means, it needs that more than anything else it will continue to be unable to win any war other than those against nation states with no post-victory occupation. That's not a military suited for modern day engagements though.

There are a number of interesting documentaries out there about places like Afghanistan where many times villagers say they want anything other than the Americans giving them protection because the Americas are too trigger happy, kill civilians and just make things worse and this lack of punishment for it's soldiers for having a lack of RoE discipline is at the absolute core of that. Hell, even some British soldiers have officially put forward concerns about going to war with America in the past because of the disproportionate number of blue on blue incidents caused by the Americans which go without proper punishment (see the incident of A10s strafing British soldiers and journalists in Iraq for example). If even your closest military ally has problems with you on the battlefield then something has to change.

I wont pretend it's even an entirely new problem though, it's the same reason America lost in Vietnam and went running with it's tail between it's legs from Lebanon and Somalia too - too quick to dehumanise the civilian population and treat them as vermin to which any act can be carried out without accountability leading to the civilian population doing the obvious thing - supporting their enemies instead.

Comment Re:God it feels good to be an American!!!!!!! (Score 1) 621

Agreed, America is very different, it does it's disappearing in the night overseas instead.

In fact, that's exactly why Karzai banned US special forces from operating in one province of Afghanistan just a few months ago, because even in Afghanistan with the shitstorm there it was deemed unacceptable to just kidnap people at night and sometimes kill them on the weakest and often incorrect suspicion they were a Taliban militant.

Comment Re:US considered hostile (Score 2) 353

Already dropped by US based Usenet provider and web host for precisely this reason. It was getting tiresome having to deal with a host that bowed down to everything the US wanted even though I was doing nothing wrong in my country (or even frankly under US law either, but this isn't about law, it's about morals being imposed by companies outside of the law).

Comment Re:Well, (Score 1) 343

Okay sure yeah I see where you're coming from, though it does beg the question no as to whether some of those Microsoft published titles are Microsoft published because of the DRM no?

I think it would only make sense to exclude those companies that are owned by Microsoft rather than all those that publish through Microsoft. Same for Sony of course.

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