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Comment Gold (Score 1) 220

Oh come on
Just declare in a newspaper somewhere that we are certain that there is gold on Mars and humans will be over there in any which way possible.

If that means that some government on the planet who does not have an aversion to strapping a nuclear reactor to several thousand tonnes of fuel and launching it into space to become the core energy generation system for our planet's interplanetary bus.. then it will happen.

Gold, I tell you, gold. Trust human nature to bypass all problems and concentrate on getting there and back. Greed and stupidity can solve just about any problem, in the same way that a hammer can solve just about any problem..

Comment mental stimulation (Score 1) 220

He has his hand.

If he gets bored, he has his other hand.

Worst comes to worst it is quite likely that the spacecraft will be packed with computer equipment and will have several TB of data containing books, games, videos and for the worst case scenario where someone is BORED there most likely will be a facility where he can go code or do actual work like scientific experiments.

Bored? No.
Go completely nuts? Sure

Where do I sign up?

Submission + - Fake tweets sent on Malaysia independent day to shore up government (

ksloke writes: The 3.6 million tweets record seting claim sent to Malaysia's prime minister Najib Razak account on Malaysia's independence day are sent by twitter bots to create the illusion of massive support for the government of the day. observed that mentions of the official hashtag movement created for the event, #Merdeka55, had been generated at an unusual rate estimated at 720 tweets a minute with identical message. Quote:" Malaysian users of the micro-blogging service continued today to pour scorn over Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim’s record-beating claim."

Submission + - Think you know Borderlands? You don't know jack! (

MadMikey1990 writes: "Borderlands 2 is only a few weeks away and promises to bring even more bad-assery than ever before. The original Borderlands was a great game. Borderlands had a truly unique visual style and gameplay, that mixed action with rpg. The game really came into its own when played with a friend — or three. What's more, there were literally thousands of guns to collect and shoot. Of course all of these features are returning in the sequel, but just about everything has got an overhaul. For returning veterans, Borderlands 2 plans to teach you a thing or two. For newbies, listen up! This is Borderlands 2 in a nut shell."

Comment Good idea take it one step further (Score 1) 2

One for each type!

Funniest user
Most insightful user
Most interesting user
Most informative user
Most overrated user

and be able to limit by day, week, month and year

and the Funniest User of the Week is sqldr

Most Interesting user of all time is CmdrTaco!

Flamer of the week is: unknownlamereviltwin

Could add this to the Hall of Fame

Comment Re:Email, but that is now totally ruined! (Score 1) 221

I used to like email best, but since everybody seems to be top-posting these days I find it rather useless.

Can I suggest having a read of

Unsure exactly where you are coming from.. Let's check Gmail, for a start. Click "Reply" on an email. Yep, it puts the message being replied to as indents and the cursor at the TOP.

My direct line manager at work is a prick. A real ass. His favorite trick is to reply to email with one liners like "sure"... with no email history. There have been several times when I have had to send an email back asking WTF

The whole point of replying above, below or inline is to keep a trail of the email history. For non work emails in gmail I can put up with having to open a 'conversation' of individual emails, although the recent changes to gmail make it very difficult to read a 'conversation' and I have now given up and don't read email history in gmail unless I absolutely have to. Add to this that gmail uses subject line to combine single emails into 'conversations' and it is difficult to manage when the subject line changes it gets very messy.

At work it is different. Many emails are a one shot or a one shot and one reply affair. Fine. However, the majority of serious business or technical related emails I deal with have at least 3 inputs with some being bounced backwards and forwards for months. Quite a few emails are forwards and replies with a chain of responses from various areas in the organisation. How am I supposed to see this history when people chop it out?

Out of interest, my work uses Lotus Notes. Yes, it has 'threading'. What is your point? It does not help or solve the problem of tying emails together.


Submission + - Marissa Mayer To Head Yahoo As CEO ( 1

chriscappuccio writes: Google literally started in her garage. As a top executive at Google for the past 13 years, Marissa Mayer played an instrumental role in developing many of the services that have tormented Yahoo as its appeal waned among Web surfers, advertisers and investors. Now, Mayer, 37, will tackle the imposing challenge Tuesday when she takes over as Yahoo’s fifth CEO in the past five years.

Submission + - Physical assault by McDonald's for wearing Digital Eye Glass ( 2

RockoW writes: "Steve Mann, a long time researcher of computer vision systems, (ie. Augmented reality, Digital Eyeglass) had an incident at McDonald's in Paris, France. He was assaulted by three guys during his visit to a McDonald's Restaurant. They had a problem with his digital eye glasses and tried to took them off. Imagine when Google release their Google Glass you may get assaulted if some place have a no pictures policy."

Submission + - US seeking a 15.7% levy on submarine cable operators ( 3

AHuxley writes: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering an expansion to the Universal Service Fund. Submarine cable operators with landings in the United States could face a 15.7 percent levy on quarterly revenues. Some history on US telco rates can be found at:

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