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Comment Re:kickstarter: (Score 1) 120

That's basically what kickstarter is - it's a way for VCs to crowdsource initial investments without having to give any stock in return. As an AC noted below, in this case, it would appear that the kickstarters basically gave the VCs a gift of $15M, since now the VCs won't have to make any investment for initial development, prototyping, and manufacturing.

It's a pretty sweet deal if you're a VC - just snap up these kickstarters that someone else paid to develop, and laugh all the way to the bank.


Crowdsourced Network Planning For Connection-Bridging Startup 58

An anonymous reader writes "Tom's Hardware reports on the Connectify Switchboard software that "divides the user's traffic between Wi-Fi, 3G/4G and Ethernet-based connections on a packet-by-packet basis. Even a single stream — such as a Netflix movie — can be split between two or three Internet connections for a higher resolution and faster buffering." As part of its Kickstarter campaign, Connectify is geolocating their backers to optimize deployment of their servers. This is a clever way for supporters to influence the project beyond pledge levels and stretch goals, and it's actually kind of fun to watch."

Comment Re:bias in publications? (Score 2) 1105

Well, if you have to go through a "peer review" process, and the majority of those "peers" are biased, because they are funded by infinitely-deep-pocketed interests (government) who have a vested interest (taxation and power) in proving AGW, then yes I think it is a reasonable conjecture that there is bias baked into the process.

Comment Ugh... I hate that shit (Score 1) 161

This is the example I use of how NOT to communicate at my company:

Each individual stakeholder must focus on the downward flow of delegation to ensure timely deployment of critical deliverables and the achievement of key milestones. Without cross-functional deployment of synergistic competencies, we risk significant schedule slippage and may miss key dates that we have agreed to with our core customers.

I much prefer:

"Everybody, get your shit done on time and work together to avoid getting stuck, or we won't sell our shit and we won't get paid."

Sums it up nicely.

Comment Re:They will do things we haven't thought of yet (Score 1) 808

But, the premise is that automation will replace "most if not all" human LABOR.

Doing new things is still labor. Me cleaning my kitchen is labor. Me building a new desk for my shop is labor. So, the premise is that all things possible for humans to do will be replaced with automation, leaving humans nothing to do.

Maybe that's not what they meant, but if that's the case, they shouldn't have said it.

Comment Re:I didn't work in the video! (Score 1) 551

That's pretty normal when you shoot a deer. They seldom just drop dead right on the spot. Depending on where you get them, they can run anywhere between 10 and 100 yards before dropping, or if you get a bad hit, they can wander for hours slowly bleeding out, or worse, for days, eventually succumbing to a predator or infection.

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