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Comment Not a "War," a Money Grab (Score 2) 292

The government and/or the powers that be have simply decided to call it a War because with the wars on "drugs" and "terror" winding down, they need a new bogeyman to make everyone afraid of so they can get the next big round of taxpayer-funded defense grants.

Hacking has been going on since the birth of the Internet, and it will keep going on until global warming turns the Earth into a smoldering cinder.

Comment It's not a War (Score 2) 292

The government has simply decided to call it a War because with the wars on "drugs" and "terror" winding down, they need a new bogeyman to make everyone afraid of so they can get the next big round of taxpayer-funded defense grants.

Hacking has been going on since the birth of the Internet, and it will keep going on until global warming turns the Earth into a smoldering cinder.

Comment Re:GPA calculations have changed (Score 1) 441

A couple of weeks ago I told someone that I got a 15-something on the SATs, and they looked at me like I was retarded.

Apparently the SAT is scored out of 2400 now, as opposed to 1600 like it used to be.

Grades are more or less meaningless and hyper-inflated anymore, though, since schools are too concerned with hurting your self esteem to make an honest and accurate evaluation of your academic performance.

Comment It'll just be called something else now (Score 1) 732

So, now there will be a "Facilities Fee" or a "Convenience Fee" or a "Environmental Impact Recovery Fee" or "Carbon Footprint Offset Fee" or some other fee invented to recover this cost. A struggling pizza restaurant near my office recently implemented an "energy surcharge" of 3% of all checks. Gee, isn't that about the right amount?

Phone companies have been inventing imaginary fees for decades. Car shops charge "shop charges." Hell, even the bicycle shop I worked at in college charged a "environmental fee" for the chemicals they used to clean bikes (but never spent a penny on environmental disposal or cleanup).

Rest assured, all costs will be paid for by the consumer. Always. Just like ALL taxes are paid by consumers.

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