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Comment Re:Neural Network == Artificial Intuition (Score 1) 116

>I believe Neural Networks should be classified as Artificial Intuition, rather than Artificial Intelligence.

I think people are getting confused about what AI means mostly because they don't know what intelligence means, intuition is only half of it - search being the other half.

There are many examples of perfectly natural intelligence out there where search is a big factor, consider for example an ant colony. (Note: I'm not talking about the intelligence of the individual ant!)

Comment Re:This is a tale of politicizing science (Score 1) 80

That more people died that needed to is speculative at best. In my country of 83m commies the excess mortality does not seem to exist if you look at the data.
People still die of course and hospitals get crowded too - as they always do in winter. You will not get much of it in MSM but the data from official government sites or fed with government sites (EUROMOMO) do not show any. We shall see how that looks like in string when warm weather helps vaccine to combat disease.

Comment Re:Let's incentivize commuting to work again... (Score 0, Offtopic) 331

Well if the state tells people not to work then I think it is justifiable to expect that the state supports them. Somebody thinks, that the state spending bonanza, that we have now, can go without somebody paying for it, is seriously delusional. We will pay. With taxes. That German institution wants us all to pay more taxes is also normal. There is no such a thing like a cheap German state. More taxes is always the only solution. For any problem. That is how Germans are conditioned. When they say - less taxes they mean that we shall pay more. We will pay. And they will waste it. OC the money will be paid only to the people that fulfill criteria like not being white, in US republican or hetero etc. We do not want to be racists, do we? Certified coffit Idiots will have to pay coffit tax on top. Frankly speaking, when I look at this all I have thoughts very heavy thoughts.

Comment Re:Smashing records? (Score 1) 245

OMB did prevent the vaccine being produced? With his own hands? He is also personally responsible for the disaster that happened mostly in democratically governed states in regard to cov-response?

What you write as a response neither discusses arguments made nor avoids throwing verbal abuse. A perfect sign of a troll.

I guess we must accept the way slightly fraudulently produced majority behaves, or? Or is there anything we can do for you to change your ways?

Another issue that bothers me a bit. There seems to be in this world of pain a lot of people that consider others inhumane enough to make lists of them so that the following purge goes smoothly. You seem to me belonging firmly to that crowd.

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