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Comment Re:That's why people get more than one display... (Score 1) 952

From what I know Mac OS X 10.5 has Spaces []. I don't know how limiting they are or how they work, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Spaces kicks ass. It's everything that workspaces were in CDE. And a little more. And I loved me some CDE. The best part about MacOS for me, though, is Expose.You know how you can 'find' your desktop in windows with that 'windows-d' thing? try that, but without minimizing or hiding all your windows. They just zip right up out of the way, and pop right back when you're done.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 306

I'm less than 37, and I remember usenet being somewhat useful in my youth, but as I'm not a professional or even much of a hobbyist programmer (I like learning new languages, but haven't come up with a good project for myself), the fact there's still comp.lang.whatever doesn't really mean much to me. I don't think I've found a use for usenet in about ... 10 years. I belong to specific discussion boards for specific topics, and have never looked back. With resources like google and wikipedia, not to mention books made on whatever topic I'm interested in, the wild wild west days of usenet as the place to go are happily behind me. (usenet, archie, gopher... none are more than a fond memory for me these days)

Comment Re:Here We Go ... (Score 1) 223

Oh, those are still out there. I saw one the other day that wanted 3 years in Windows 2008, Exchange 2010, and Windows 7. I 'settled' for my last job, a job with a start-up company because I thought I could grow with the company. BZZZT. Instead of promoting someone internally, they hired 3-4 people for positions I tried for (who all left or were asked to leave while I was there) and then hired for a couple more positions that were never advertised internally. I'm currently contracting to a "managed services" company (ie, outsourced IT) while they ship this job to India. Literally, we have 3 americans and 6 indians working "together". Until we're not. Even outsourcing is outsourcing!

Comment Re:niches (Score 1) 553

Except that the ipad seems like the right size for the coffee table, the kitchen counter, or the bedside table. Places where everyone would want one, to quickly google whatshisname in that movie you're watching without going over to the desktop computer, or to check your email without getting out of bed. Places where a spouse or parent of someone who has an iphone or ipod touch might want one without the small size. Not everyone wants to spend the money on a full laptop, and the little netbooks are... close but no cigar (and talk about stripped OS... I've played with a few, and ick.) and really, a keyboard is kind of out of place on these types of devices. I keep thinking my mom or grandfather would like one of these devices, as the interface would be more understandable to 'everyday people' than a full computer.

Submission + - It's all relative for Einstein fans (

crimeandpunishment writes: The original manuscript of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity is on display in its entirety for the first time. The 46-page hand-written document, which helps explain everything from black holes to the Big Bang, went on display Sunday in Israel.

Submission + - Correcting poor typing technique?

An anonymous reader writes: When beginning to use keyboards I did not pay much attention to touch typing techniques. Instead I found myself eventually achieving decent rates by simply doing what felt natural to me. These days my qwerty typing speed is in the area of 90-110 WPM, more in the lower end of that than the higher. While this isn't too shabby, I feel some awkwardness in my technique that I suspect has made me reach a maximum speed that is not optimal (such as not using my little and ring fingers when I really should). Has anyone been in a similar situation, wanted to fix it and actually done so? What do you reckon is the best way to fix half-broken typing? Touch training sessions? Should I switch to dvorak and pretty much learn typing from scratch, just properly this time? Spill your guts.

Submission + - Pre-erase SD Cards for Better Performance 1

Nom du Keyboard writes: I'm wondering if it is possible to pre-erase my SDHC card for my camera for better performance? At the moment in continuous shooting mode I can shoot 3 fps for the first 3 seconds in raw mode (9 images total) after which the rate drops to 1/fps until the SanDisk Extreme III goes full, or my battery goes empty. Can I improve my write speed by pre-erasing the card so that the flash memory doesn't need to perform a block erase before writing, and if so, then how? I don't believe that the Format command in the camera does this because it competes very quickly each time I use it. I'm surprised that more isn't said about erasing flash memory on file deletions for better write performance later.

Comment Re:Germies (Score 1) 5

LOL; it would be funnier if it weren't so true.

It irritates the crap out of me, though. My entertainment this weekend so far has been a Regretsy post calling out this crazy woman on etsy who's been reselling (against the rules) and then went all apeshit and posted this lovely rant as her shop announcement. The chatter on facebook is even more entertaining, but you have to be a fan of "Regretsy" to see it. Basically, this woman's been on Dr. Phil for anger issues, she's tried (and failed) to be a model and a stripper, and she's batshit crazy. Mmm.. trainwreck.

The Internet

Submission + - Girl starved while parents raised virtual child. (

reporter writes: According to a disturbing report just published by, "South Korean police have arrested a couple for starving their three-month-old daughter to death while they devoted hours to playing a computer game that involved raising a virtual character of a young girl. The 41-year-old man and 25-year-old woman, who met through a chat website, reportedly left their infant unattended while they went to internet cafes. They only occasionally dropped by to feed her powdered milk."

Comment Re:Germies (Score 1) 5

I noticed that Lysol had changed their advertising to say something to the effect of "... kills 99% of germs, including Swine Flu ..." Bastards, marketing through fear.

I think if any rational person sat down and thought about the claims and the fear that Lysol is instilling in people about microbes, they'd come to the same conclusions. But as was said in MIB: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

I just got riled up at Lysol specifically for promoting the sterilization of the country. Ben & I went to Fatburger for dinner/breakfast (last meal of the day for him, first for me ... stupid schedule) and they had a banner saying something like "We don't think man climbed to the top of the food chain to eat soy." We're built to eat meat, we're built to fight off bacteria and viruses.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I blame Lysol for the antibacterial frenzy we're in now. 5

Especially after seeing the commercial they're running now. "Did you know that there are germs everywhere, including on the bottle of liquid soap?" Why yes, Lysol, I did. I knew there are germs on top of the soap dispenser. But you see, after I put my hand on top of the soap dispenser, soap is dispensed into my other hand and I WASH MY HANDS WITH SOAP. Holy crap, people. Unless you've got an automatic faucet, you probably pick more germs up from turning off your faucet than you would from the

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