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Comment Re:You want IE to be relevant? (Score 1) 105

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember something about MS shifting their focus from the soon-to-be-dead web to the nebulous "x internet". I had always assumed that was the reason why they essentially stopped development on IE.

I like your explanation better as there is a delicious irony in the fact that their innovations contributed greatly to the continued success of the web and the development of the web as an application platform.

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 2) 466

If younlearned JavaScript in 17minutes you likely use less than 17% of its features.

You're right about that. A big part of the "hate" seems to come from people unwilling to learn the language. I assume because they assume they already know it, due to it's familiar syntax.

I'd argue that it's rather easy to learn. Easier than, for example, Java or C# for a beginner. Prototypal OO is much simpler and more "powerful" than Classical OO. Half the problems people new to JS suffer seems to come from dragging all that classical baggage with them. I suspect it's why so many people seem to have trouble with the 'this' keyword.

Comment Re:Python (Score 2) 466

It's a fine language. The two biggest problems, which have caused most of the confusion, can easily be ignored: new and constructor functions. (They're why every half-wit on Slashdot thinks that 'this' is 'broken' or 'confusing'.) Avoid those while you're learning and you'll find a surprisingly sophisticated language. You'll wonder how you ever put up with Java and C#.

You'll want to learn them later, of course. But only because you'll see them inexplicably used in other people's code.

Submission + - iOS 8 Touch ID in PhoneGap/Cordova Apps - Now Open To Developers (monaca.mobi)

jcasman writes: Touch ID is the biometrics (fingerprinting) sensor implementation in iPhone 5s. Introduced in iOS 7, users utilize it for authentication and authorization. However, the API was private, and there was no way to access it for Cordova/PhoneGap developers. Now, starting from iOS 8, the Touch ID API is now open to developers. This opens up many interesting possibilities for PhoneGap/Cordova developers. Masa Tanaka, CEO of Monaca, an HTML5 hybrid app development framework based on PhoneGap/Cordova, writes about creating a Cordova Plugin to support Touch ID, and provides a sample Cordova app for demonstration.

Performance — the Achilles heel of hybrid apps — is also impacted in the new iOS 8. In an SD Times Guest View piece, Tanaka talks here about performance improvements for hybrid apps in iOS 8 and includes internal benchmarking numbers: "Why hybrid app developers should love the new iOS 8"

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