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Comment Re:WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY (Score 1) 1026

The US is still effectively in a depression, that is with economic output less than 90% of full potential. By approximate macroeconomic estimate, cutting government spending by 1.4 trillion would reduce output by almost another 10%. As has been commented, austerity programs like that have an established record of not leading to prosperity until more than a decade has passed.

A national debt can be justified as a mortgage against the depreciated value of national infrastructure, and also against the current value of the economic training of the population. Even if the debt exceeds the mark, then pay as you go investments in the structure and people are still justified and necessary when there is slack in output. I really do not think that austerity works very well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: “The American Prison” by William Alexander Patterson

This is an extended essay by Alex (my publisher). It is included in his book of selected works that is published under the publishers mark that he founded himself - Citizens House Publishers. It does not concern prisons in America, but instead the constraining aspects of society and culture in America - he writes as a passionate ex-patriot.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sparsity and General Covariance

Drawings can be made that are scaled and sparse compared to reality, but proper tensor rank makes easy the undoing of the scale and unit conversions. Then predictions made from the drawings can be shown to be not grossly wrong; this is one of the important meanings of general covariance. Tensor rank is not relative, although this is so emphatically contrary to academic convention.

Michael J. Burns

User Journal

Journal Journal: It’s past Dec. 15, and there is no word on the Higgs boson.

Professor Wiggins, an author, lectured in Grand Rapids this year. In answer to a question, he opined that evidence regarding the Higgs boson would be announced by now. But there was data announced which instead weighed against a variant of string theory.

Comment Re:As a voter who normally leans Democrat... (Score 2, Insightful) 1128

It's better in the long term for the country to have rational debate at election time. And straightforward behavior by voters can encourage this. Else even the reason-based coalition will go decadent.

I wish that the Republican coalition would deprecate the opinions of their corporate clients and superstitious voters, so that they can compete with the Democratic coalition on matters of government integrity and efficiency.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Life after the Fifth Edition:

What am I going to do with myself now that my backlog is caught up ? The fifth edition of my musings is delivered to the publisher, http://www.citizenshouse.com/.

I could put out a shingle for tutorials And actually I do have a couple of leads for new study.

- The opposing horizons in a Kaluza-Klein charge likely touch in spite of their opposite headings - many pretty implications.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Dolans Persuaded Me.

Lets allow to individuals a flat business tax rate for income that is devoted to savings, investments, education, and seeding of a family business, and also a sufficient business deductible. But tax breaks on capital gains, inheritance and consumer loans are not justified.

Michael J. Burns

User Journal

Journal Journal: Agree on the Horizon

Tachyonic observers would need to see themselves as made of particles with dilation horizons, right? So would we rather discuss tachyonic observers that agree with us on their horizons, or ones that agree on divergence and convergence?

Michael J. Burns

User Journal

Journal Journal: Quantum Gravity by Lee Smolin

This book represents a high state of art in academic physics. But I am still capable of alarm at the lack of insight into curved spacetime that is prevailing there. Why is three sets of field lines considered sufficient to represent a gravitational field? That breaks compliance with the principle of general covariance. Four sets are needed, and they must be orthogonal partitions that are second order and covariant, not contravariant lines.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Higgs Boson Is Said To Possess A Non Conserved Charge.

Else the Higgs boson could not vanish in a collision with another. This charge must be considered as geometric in the classical context. How else could it be related to mass?

But the nonconservation is an exception to geometric existence - some nonlocal correlation of the tabs that I think of as representing spacetime failure on the small scale.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Invisible Failure Of Spacetime And The Observer Lock In

Professor Michio Kaku wrote long ago a little fantasy about the possible, as he thought, rips in spacetime allowing a New York pedestrian to face the muzzle of a T. Rex. But the standard of the metric does not actually allow for this encounter; worm holes such as Michio Kaku describes are disallowed.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Fedora 14 Upgrade Was Very Rough.

I took two days of exploration and finesse at the keyboard to manage an upgrade of my 12" Toshiba from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14.

The time was filled with the temporary removal of problem packages - I remember lyx, mdadm, and openoffice - together with repeated exercise of the various upgrade commands until they registered success.

Michael J. Burns

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Cosmological Constant Is Actually An Assertion About Mechanics.

The Einstein-Davis and Kaluza-Klein system inherently excludes any use of the constant. There is no place for it in the behavior determined by the Bianchi identities of the system. Boundary conditions on the metric, taken together with these identities, imply the value of the metric in the interior.

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