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Comment Re:need to get over the "cult of macho programming (Score 1) 231

Unless you are trying to switch to pascal-style strings instead of null-terminated ones you have limited ways to automatically check buffer overruns, just as you have limited ways to do garbage collecting or, for that matter, almost anything automagical with pointers. The compiler alone cannot enforce that policy, one could try to enforce it in the standard library or a framework. The difference between low and middle level languages and high level languages is the magic that happens behind the language. C has almost no magic, it just gives you the building blocks to do whatever you please.

Comment Re:Knowledge seeds (Score 1) 608

I'd like a portable generator for my Android device of choice. Would that be Ok? I actually live in an area that can imagine the power grid not being there. Neighbours not far from my place still get some degree of technology. And that some degree means laptops, microwave ovens, satellite TV and air conditioner while being hundreds of miles from the closest power line. You might want to imagine the worst case scenario, but for me it's so unlikely I'd advise anyone to just learn how to cope without slashdot or facebook.
Also, you might want to prepare for the most likely cataclysm: the Internet of zero privacy and high levels of censorship and manipulation. How would you survive that?

Starting with one of the great great GP and TFA, knowing that space is vast, how would people survive separation from the Earth? Would any of you be ready for that?

Comment Re:Maybe not extinction... (Score 1) 608

Well if most of you fearing the apocalypse could delete some of the porn on your drive and save heavy amounts of books, blueprints and scientific articles humanity might have a chance of recovering from such a cataclysm faster. You see a lot of crappy shows on television about people training to fight zombies and learning how to grow mushrooms, fearing some sort of Mad Max scenario, but fail to imagine ways to save knowledge in a meaningful way.

Submission + - MIT Designs Tsunami Proof Floating Nuclear Reactor (

Amtrak writes: MIT has created designs for a nuclear plant that would avoid the downfall of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The new design calls for the nuclear plant to be placed on a floating platform modeled after the platforms used for offshore oil drilling.

A floating platform several miles offshore, moored in about 100 meters of water, would be unaffected by the motions of a tsunami; earthquakes would have no direct effect at all. Meanwhile, the biggest issue that faces most nuclear plants under emergency conditions — overheating and potential meltdown, as happened at Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island — would be virtually impossible at sea.

Submission + - For Red Hat, it's RHEL and then? (

coondoggie writes: Red Hat is hosting its annual summit this week — this year in San Francisco — where the company is seemingly basking in the glory of making more than a billion dollars off a free open source project. But as successful as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) has been for Red Hat — the company announced a new beta version of RHEL 7 this week — there’s a question of how long the RHEL gravy train will keep growing, and what’s next for the company after that.

Submission + - Tor Blacklisting Exit Nodes Vulnerable to Heartbleed (

msm1267 writes: The Tor Project has published a list of 380 exit relays vulnerable to the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability that it will reject. This comes on the heels of news that researcher Collin Mulliner of Northeastern University in Boston found more than 1,000 vulnerable to Heartbleed where he was able to retrieve plaintext user traffic.

Mulliner said he used a random list of 5,000 Tor nodes from the website for his research; of the 1,045 vulnerable nodes he discovered, he recovered plaintext traffic that included Tor plaintext announcements, but a significant number of nodes leaked user traffic in the clear.

Submission + - World's First Algae Canopy Produces the Oxygen Equivalent of 4 Woodland Hectares (

Taffykay writes: The world's first urban algae canopy controls the flow of energy, water and CO2 based on weather patterns, visitor's movements, and other environmental variables. Once completed in time for the 2015 Milan Expo, this groundbreaking bio-digital project from ecoLogic Studio will produce the oxygen equivalent of four hectares of woodland, along with nearly 330 pounds of biomass per day.

Comment Re:Fixing defects in sloppy coding is NOT "support (Score 1) 322

So how long did XP without service pack have support? How about XP SP1? Linux kernel 2.4 has reached end of life, but with code available there might be patches made by individuals who need it. You are comparing a kernel with an operating system, if you wanted to beat the linux crowd ask them about any distribution individual release. I was pleased to find out that the last version of SuSE before being acquired by Novell still has some mirrors on the net.

Submission + - The Language of the Future is French,say the French ( 1

Painted writes: By carefully cherry picking their data, the Observatory of the French Language is convinced that eventually, somehow, French is going to become the world's dominant language. Because of Africa, of all things.

This will certainly put a damper on my bugging the francophones I know by asking them what the Lingua Franca is...

Submission + - Analyzing corporate contributions to open source projects

Jason Baker writes: It seems obvious that in the open source world, there is probably some relationship between how heavily a company contributes to a project and how able they might be to offer support it. But how do you measure this readiness? The raw number commits might be one option, but with big, multi-part projects, looking at the breadth of commits might help to.. In OpenStack, for example, where you have ten different projects (as of the Havana release) which are considered part of the core, looking at contributions across the span of projects might be as meaningful or even moreso at deciding whether a company is able to provide quality support for the open source product as a whole.

Submission + - LibreOffice 4.2 with GPU mantle support is out ( 4

Billly Gates writes: A basic summary of the new features are listed here. In catching up with MS Office the new LibreOffice 4.2 now has full Windows 7/8 integration including aero peak, thumbnails, jumplists, and recent documents all from the taskbar. In addition one weak area for LibreOffice has been enterprise network support and the lack of active directory tools. LibreOffice now has GPO and active directory support for system administrators to deploy and manage Libreoffice over corporate networks. Libreoffice also includes an expert configuration Window to assist power users and system administrators when deploying to hundreds of workstation at a time as well.

Also of particular interest is AMD/ATI is expecting to finally release Mantle in the next coming hours for games like Battlefield 4. Surprisingly LibreOffice also supports mantle as well according to the release notes. However you will need the 14.1 driver which is being compiled and uploaded at the time of this writing to utilize this feature. Mantle will accelerate lower end cpus by up to 300% in some tasks while having modest improvements for those with more recent powerful CPUs. A real niceties for those like myself on AMD phenom II's with the later 7000 series cards.

The only issue (some on slashdot may say benefit ) is the lack of a ribbon UI. However, for recent articles about governments considering openoffice this release addresses shortcomings with the new active directory and GPO support.

Submission + - Making rare metal by mixing the two metals on both sides of the periodic table ( 1

wingwatcher writes: Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa in Kyoto Univ made artificial Rhodium (45) by mixing Ruthenium (44) and Palladium (46). The price of artificial Rhodium is US $4-14 per gram, and the price of natural Rhodium is US $40 per gram. Kitagawa said "It was a simple idea. We want to make other rare metals by the same way". This is alchemy.

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