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Comment Re:If this can happen ... (Score 1) 241

Telus blocks incoming traffic to most low ports unless you pay for a business connection. And paying over $150/month for 15mb/s upload speed is highway robbery. That's not nearly fast enough for a half-dozen people to browse pictures at a decent speed or for 2 or 3 people to stream video simultaneously.

Comment Re:Pre-fork OO (Score 4, Insightful) 249

I've found it to be more stable and support the Microsoft formats with less errors (for the few times I'm forced to use them). It also seems a LOT more responsive and 4.0 is supposed to be even more so. At this point there's really no reason not to.

Comment Re:If this can happen ... (Score 1) 241

Shaw (my provider) doesn't seem to care what you run on your network unless they get complaints that you've attacked somebody and even then I think it takes something fairly serious for them to even contact you. Telus (the only other backbone provider available here) explicitly blocks incoming connections to most low-numbered ports and there is NOTHING you can do about it without getting a business account and the prices for those aren't even listed, you have to phone them and get a quote.

Comment Re:If this can happen ... (Score 1) 241

My provider is Shaw which, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't rent from anyone (they are a backbone). The problem with co-location is that A) I don't trust having my hardware in someone else's building, B) I like to mix things up and don't want to have to phone someone if I screw up a firewall rule or a network configuration and C) I still need upload speed to get my data TO that location.

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