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Comment Re:Captain Obvious (Score 4, Interesting) 341

future of mobility is people moving less from one place to another, or more of them moving at once in one vehicle

Couldn't disagree more. The first option is ridiculous; moving backwards in transportation capability is the very, very last solution humans will (and should) try.

The second "solution" isn't much better; the convenience of personal transportation should be cheap & universal, not taken away from everyone for the sake of environmentalism. However, this idea could work if implemented similarly to UPS packages handling; personal transportation at beginning- and end-points, but mass-transit between major hubs.

We should only consider solutions which actually move us forward. Trying to put the cat back in the bag is silly and unnecessary.

Comment Re:Yeah, how dare they (Score 1) 104

I was somewhat with you until "It is the simple knowledge that certain cultures lack morals"; that's just too broad of brush stroke.

While I think statistics-based profiling has merit, to say that an entire culture lacks morals either defines culture in a bizarre way (like, "people of middle-eastern descent who also lack morals"), or the statement is simply rampant racism/prejudice.

Comment Re:3rd world nation (Score 1) 388

Sure. Just try owning a house and raising a family on one salary like your parents did.

I am, thanks! Mortgage, 4 kids, one salary well below the median for our town -- and debt free other than the mortgage.

You can still make it work, and I'd say you can be as or more comfortable than your parents were thanks to technological, medical, municipal, and other life improvements.

No, you can't have two iPhones with data plans, an HD DVR cable subscription, a house you can't afford, and two car payments. But comfortable and raising a family on one salary? Quite possible.

Comment Wait, now Weather = Climate? (Score 0) 877

I remember a year or two ago, it was a colder-than-normal year, and of course there was a global-warming Slashdot story about it.

Many were quick to laugh at those using this colder year as evidence against global warming, shouting "Weather isn't climate, stupid!".

Oh wait, this year supports the popular side, I'm supposed to be quiet. Nevermind -- plow on, hivemind!

Comment Dual monitors (Score 1) 268

I realize this is for high school, but get them started on dual monitors early if possible. The expense isn't bad, especially since monitors usually out-last the computers two-fold or more.

We have dual monitors in our computer labs in our engineering labs, and our students always flock to our labs over the single-monitor ones the general university provides.

Comment 31 CSS file limit finally removed! (Score 1) 95

At the very bottom of this page it mentions fantastic news: the removal of the 31 style sheets limit!

In Internet Explorer 9 and earlier, there is a limit of 31 style sheets per webpage. There is also a nesting limit of four levels deep for style sheets that are linked using @import rules.

In IE10 Platform Preview, this limit has been removed.

Submission + - Ditching the cell phone for VOIP

claar writes: I'm almost always near a Wi-Fi connection, so I'm about to cancel my phone service, grab a mobile hotspot with a low data cap for those rare occasions when I'm not near Wi-Fi, and use one of the various apps for calling POTS lines. I figure my wife and I will end up paying $40 to $60/month — a far cry from our current charges.

Has anyone else done this? What apps and mobile hotspots have worked well for you? I just don't understand why I don't hear about more people doing this — enlighten me?

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