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Comment Re: Does it matter? (Score 2) 265

The Russian military's atrocities are not due to lack of discipline. They operate that way by design, to sow fear. They always have.

During World War II, Russian conscripts were more afraid of their superiors than the Wehrmacht - trying to desert was certain death, trying to fight the Germans you at least had a chance. There was discipline all right. But they still raped, murdered, and looted their way across Eastern Europe. The Russian high command never imposed their iron discipline to crack down on it. In fact, they led by example.

No, the Russian high command actively condones atrocities. They have for centuries. Brutality is inherent to Russia.

Comment Re:Thought exercise (Score 1) 193

I worked and lived for 11 years in California and I intend to retire there one day. California is a success because of its incredible climate and geography, which over the last 100 years have created an incredible concentration of brains and capital and business. Successful, high-achieving people in every single field will always want to move there because of its climate. There is no state in the union that comes close to its year-round, mild, non-humid sunshine with no hurricanes or tornadoes. It is a success because of its climate, not because of its pro-business policies. Look, it's my favorite state, and I'm glad it uses the revenue to fund social programs. But let's not pretend political acumen is what got it where it is today.

Comment Re:Capitalism is so dumb (Score 1) 156

You're right, but just to point out a minor correction that doesn't detract from your argument: they already pay their employees in cash only. Employees can choose to spend some of their earnings on discounted Netflix stock, and most do. So if their stock keeps growing, it will affect their employees, but it's a little different than most other tech companies.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 40

the actual combustion takes place within a wavefront at much higher heat and pressure than in the surrounding combustion chamber...

... which results in a higher exhaust velocity for a given mass of propellant.

--- Most topics have many sides worth arguing, allow me to take one opposite you.

By all means, do. (Nice sig, by the way.)

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