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Comment Re:The sad thing about conspiracy theories (Score 1) 251

The same way you "prove" that I am not a 10,000-year-old "evil archmage" dedicated to bringing about the eternal triumph of Ultimate Chaos by driving all Slashdotters INSANE with my cleverly-disguised, "scare-quote"-and-GRATUITOUS-caps-and-boldface-filled "anonymous" posts about Hosts Files, that's how!


Comment Re:Jobs vision was Eberharts vision (Score 1) 692

In this era of teeny touchscreen keyboards, the occasional typo is inevitable. I try to overlook such things, and expect others to do likewise.

People who insist on writing grammatical horrors such as "You should of been more careful" or "Obvious typos are obvious to you and I" are not making typos, Grasshopper.

Comment Re:Great country you have over there (Score 1) 771

US has much higher taxes,

My national tax rate here* is roughly double what it was in the US. Sweden also has a 25% GST.

it is just that the taxpayers get fewer benefits from those taxes than Swedes get.

That does seem to be the case, yes.


Add up your federal, state and local taxes and see what that gets you.

Perhaps having to do all that paperwork makes it seem like more, but it really is not.

The US mail postal service and census doesn't record your address?

AFAIK, the US Postal Service does not. The US Census takes place only once every ten years. In any case, these things are completely irrelevant to the matter of being required by law to register your current address with a central government authority (the Folkbokföring). IIRC, you're obliged to do so within 10 days of moving to a new residence. You are also required to have a national ID card here, and you cannot access any government services without it.

You can't even pick up your mail here if you don't have a national ID card or passport issued by the government of Sweden or another EU or Schengen member state. US passport doesn't count, even with a Swedish-issued visa incorporating your photo attached. In theory, they're not even supposed to deliver mail to you if your name does not appear on the door and it's not a name that's registered to that address, but they do honour "c/o" addresses, and in practise there's some additional slack given in this regard.

The point I'm trying to make is that the national government here knows who and where you are pretty much at all times, and that many if not most Americans who are accustomed to living semi-anonymously/semi-"off-grid" are likely to find this a bit uncomfortable. I know that I did when I first moved here.

*(Yes, "here" now; flew home yesterday.)

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