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Comment Re:Good luck on this one. (Score 1) 278

It must suck when you when have to misquote the headline of the article you linked to, in order to make your "point".

It must suck even worse when you have to mischaracterise the article itself. It states that Pelosi is seeking to put limits on corporate political activity. There's nothing there that suggests she's planning to repeal or replace the First Amendment, either of which would require both an act of Congress and approval by a majority of the states.

But then, if you'd not slept through high school civics class, you'd know this stuff, wouldn't you?

Comment Re:illogical (Score 0) 200

One to lasso the roid...

Please don't try to invent slang on the spot; the potential for embarrassing yourself is quite high.

Case in point: I have never before heard anyone use "roid" as slang for anything other than something you use Tux Medicated Pads to relieve and probably do not want to get rope-burnt by attempting to lasso it.

Comment Re:I'm not sure I understand... (Score 1) 121

Actually, you've hit on a good idea. Just like Netscape Navigator skipped from version 4.7 to 6 so they could jump ahead of Internet Explorer 5...

I'm guessing you weren't around at the time, because there were in fact two versions of Netscape 5.0, which you could download and play with (and I did; and I therefore take serious issue with the implication by the Wikipedia article that no binaries were ever built/released).

In any case, you're wrong. NS 5.0 was scrapped because they junked the the old codebase. NS 6.0/Mozilla (the latter of which eventually became Firefox) was a complete rewrite.

Comment Re:Imperfect citizens (Score 2) 105

I had similar experiences as a reporter in the 90s, getting called out numerous times at 2 or 3 AM to cover various fires and accidents.

I was exposed to enough blood and guts and other misery during that time that I learned to appreciate just what difficult and unpleasant jobs first responders and fire/rescue people have, and I have to admit that I don't think I could handle it for very long myself. My compliments to you and your colleagues, Runaway.

Comment Re:pay wall (Score 1) 97

The joke works better if the name isn't easy to sound out and doesn't consist mostly of high-frequency letters, the first 15 of those being ETAON RISHD LFCMU.

(BTW, my source for that nugget of info is Herbert S. Zim's Codes and Cryptography, which I read as a kid. Still remember that bit from it, thirty-odd years later. Wow.)

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