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User Journal

Journal Journal: Not that spamming in /. journals was promising before...

Lately the journal entry spam:nonspam ratio has been a bit higher than usual. A while ago I even noticed one that was " ABC service" in "(town near where I grew up)" and looked to see if I could figure out who was behind it*.

Then today I was looking at new JEs (mostly spam, as usual) and thought I'd try the search function here on slashdot. Rather unsurprisingly, that didn't work, at all. Search for whatever you want, nothing will ever be returned from the journals.

Well done, guys. I guess you accidentally made it more difficult for spammers to find customers on slashdot, but not by much.

*the return was, surprisingly, mostly non-obfuscated. That said, it was not relevant, either. Registration was to some guy in Ft. Lauderdale FL (not even within 2,000 miles of where I grew up) with a hotmail address. Hardly even worth the bother. I also liked how the "mailing address" on the web page itself (not in the WHOIS, but rather displayed on the site itself) was itself bogus.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Where'd it go? (Or, Did I break it?) 2

Earlier this morning there was a FP story here about a negative number screwing up the Swedish Stock Exchange (broken linky here). That story is now, nowhere to be found. Clicking the provided broken link gives a slashdot error.

Also interesting is that when it was up I wrote a comment for it which is also now gone. I'm not sure I've seen this before - I figured it would be like a JE where the post can be deleted but the discussion cannot, though that appears to not be the case here.

So what happened? Where did the story go? I've never seen this happen before...
User Journal

Journal Journal: GQ's list of the 25 Least Influential People

Least Influential People of 2012.

No surprise that Romney is #1 on this list. I'm actually surprised that facebook boy isn't on there, considering how much his company's stock has tanked (I would bet money this list would have made the front page here if he had). Naturally, our dear Rob Malda - who was on a list of "people who don't matter" back in 2006 - is not influential enough to make this list of un-influential people.

I will hereby make a prediction that next year's iteration of this list will include Grover Norquist.
User Journal

Journal Journal: yo

Censorship is obscene.
Patriotism is bigotry.
Slashdot is unusable without noscript.

NES (Games)

Journal Journal: Here's an NES question for the crowd...

I recall back in the day there was at least one game for the 8-bit NES that required more than one cartridge to play. Likely it asked for the second one at some point along the way, you swapped, and continued on. I don't recall the name or objective of this game. Does anyone else? I tried searching google for it and instead the results kept directing me to various cartridges that had multiple games on them.

Perhaps one of the Nobunaga's Ambition titles? It seems like it would lend itself better to a game with highly linear play.
User Journal

Journal Journal: This is your brain on ron paul...

any questions?

I've generally been leaving this guy alone lately as I have better things to do than watch him shouting in his echo chamber, but I figured he'd give us something amusing on election day, and he did not fail. A few key quotes from him, with my responses that he won't reply to:

People are stupid and they should not be allowed to vote directly for government.

Wow, so very insightful. Can you elaborate further?

There should be a subset of people voting

You forgot to mention which subset it should be. I presume you mean only people with a certain level of income or property owned? Since you favor the re-establishment of slavery, I presume owning people would count towards owning property?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ohio Sec'y of State Installs "Experimental" Patch on Voting Machines 1

Days before the US presidential election, the Ohio Secretary of State (Republican) directed that an "experimental patch" be installed on voting machines in 39 Ohio counties. Federal law makes it illegal to make any changes in hardware and software to election equipment without it being tested and certified by the Federal Elections Commission. [NOTE: if Brad Blog is not "notable" enough of a source for you, this story is being reported in many other media outlets.]

You Slashdot readers are supposed to know a little something about software and patches and security. What do you think? This sound like "best practices" to you? By the way, John Husted, the Ohio Secretary of State who ordered this "patch" installed, is the guy who tried to stop early voting in Ohio and then told his county clerks to ignore the federal courts when they issued an injunction to put those early voting dates back in place. He's also one of the Republican officials who claimed that the proposed voter ID laws and purges of voter rolls would "deliver" Ohio to the Romney campaign.

I'm a little curious about what any sysadmins who read this and support Romney think of this move.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why is Disney's purchase of LucasFilm not on the front page? 1

This story was news yesterday afternoon. I understand that what I submit is not allowed to make the front page, ever, but I'm not the only person to mention it.

Or does the message in Star Wars not properly jive with the conservative bend that slashdot wants on their front page? After all, love, hope, and freedom don't exactly fit well with the ambitions of Ron Paul and the "every (white, Christian, wealthy) man for himself" mentality.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Political Compass of the 2012 US Election 28

Someone else provided this link last week:

US Presidential Election 2012

So why then will I vote for Obama, knowing that indeed he is barely any less conservative than Romney? Well, in my case a President Romney could be immediately catastrophic for my profession. An extension of President Obama, however, would be bad but not catastrophic. Hence, this vote is simply for self-preservation at this point. Hopefully some other time we will see a third (really, second) party candidate who is viable to win the seat and change something.

It is also interesting that on the libertarian - authoritarian axis there is not a single candidate from the left who scores above zero. Meanwhile most of the candidates on the right are authoritarian or score zero.
User Journal

Journal Journal: $fans++, $fans--; $freaks++

Hadn't seen this before:

Relationship Change
sent by Slashdot Message System on Saturday October 20, @12:05AM

ElectricTurtle (1171201) has made you their friend.

If you'd like to, view or edit your
friends and

ElectricTurtle (1171201) has made you their foe.

Of course, you can't be someone's friend and foe simultaneously. Looks like he accidentally hit the former wanting the latter, then corrected it. So really, I just gained a freak.

I suspect it relates to the fact that I recently pointed out that Ron Paul is full of self-righteous shit and doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the world. Not sure, but just a guess...

User Journal

Journal Journal: I laughed, and then I cried 23

First, I laughed that anyone would think they could pull off such an absurd stunt. Then, I cried when I realized that tragically some people mistook it for being connected to reality.

I'm referring to the "documentary" Dreams from my real father, which claims that Barack Hussein Obama Jr is the son of Frank Marshall Davis, who they allege to be a leader of the American Communist Party. To make it even more exciting, the film claims that Obama's mom and "dad" met while the latter was filming a porno starring the former.

So to get this straight, the documentary - which is today the 14th most-popular instant title on netflix - alleges:
  • Obama's mom was a porno actress
  • Obama's real dad was a communist
  • Obama's name and official identity are lies - right down to the birth certificate that lists him as "Barack Hussein Obama Jr".

I'm just waiting to find someone who subscribes to both this crackpot "theory" and the birther movement, since the two can obviously not both be true. Of course, birthers won't let something like reality or logic get in their way...

The Internet

Journal Journal: Want to register a domain for fraud? Try! 21

I am one of a very large number of people who received the obviously bogus text message yesterday telling me that I had won a raffle for a $1,000 Best Buy gift card. The text message directed me to the domain

With a "secret code". I had a few minutes to kill, so I went there from a browser on my linux system and entered a completely different code (turns out, much as expected, you can enter whatever you want into the "secret code" box). This directed me then to

Rather unsurprisingly, these two domains are both less than a year old (the latter being the older, at around 3 months, the former was registered yesterday), and both registered through .

I contacted via their abuse address, and they have so far played every stupid run-around trick they could think of to avoid doing anything. In other words, they know they are aiding in a criminal act and they don't give a shit as long as they get paid.

Not that this is new, many registrars before them have gone down the same path.


Journal Journal: Let the GOP voter suppression begin... in Ohio 10

Romney is already incapable of winning this election, but that won't stop dedicated activists from trying to steal it for him anyways . We should recall the massive voter suppression efforts the Bush administration and their friends executed in 2004 in Ohio, by intentionally under-supplying voting machines in economically disadvantaged precincts which cause some people to wait several hours to vote while voters in more affluent areas voted in 10 minutes or less.

Now, the Tea Party is targeting likely democratic voters to get them dropped from the rolls for eligible voters.

The tea party groups, scattered around the state, have joined forces under the banner of the Ohio Voter Integrity Project. It is an offshoot of True the Vote, a Texas organization that has recruited volunteers nationwide to challenge voter rosters and work as poll watchers.

True the Vote was founded by Catherine and Bryan Engelbrecht, a couple who run an oil field equipment manufacturing firm in Rosenberg, Texas.

In Ohio, election records show, one of the project's top priorities has been to remove college students from the voter rolls for failure to specify dorm room numbers. (As a group, college students are strongly in Obama's camp.)


All told, the Ohio group has questioned registrations in 13 counties, according to Siegel. In 2008, Obama won nine of them.

Whether this is about race or not, this does show one thing. The GOP is indeed united in one thing above all else - their hatred of Obama. They don't care what they have to do to get him out, what laws they have to break, what kind of underhanded tricks they have to pull. Of course this shouldn't surprise anyone after what happened in 2000. And 2004. And 2008. And the midterms in 2006 and 2010.

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