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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Not that spamming in /. journals was promising before...

Lately the journal entry spam:nonspam ratio has been a bit higher than usual. A while ago I even noticed one that was " ABC service" in "(town near where I grew up)" and looked to see if I could figure out who was behind it*.

Then today I was looking at new JEs (mostly spam, as usual) and thought I'd try the search function here on slashdot. Rather unsurprisingly, that didn't work, at all. Search for whatever you want, nothing will ever be returned from the journals.

Well done, guys. I guess you accidentally made it more difficult for spammers to find customers on slashdot, but not by much.

*the return was, surprisingly, mostly non-obfuscated. That said, it was not relevant, either. Registration was to some guy in Ft. Lauderdale FL (not even within 2,000 miles of where I grew up) with a hotmail address. Hardly even worth the bother. I also liked how the "mailing address" on the web page itself (not in the WHOIS, but rather displayed on the site itself) was itself bogus.
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Not that spamming in /. journals was promising before...

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