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Comment That's a doozy (Score 3, Insightful) 62

It looks like the law requires every blog owner to implement an omniscient version of Youtube's much hated ContentID system to insure that nothing uploaded bears any similarity to any past work. It would basically be impossible to run a site like Slashdot under that requirement. The false positive rate would undoubtedly be incredible. Big media cartels were tired of having to do their job and want everybody else to do it for them.

If this goes through about the only solution for every comment section will be to just geoblock the EU until some gigantic content clearinghouse is created. Even then such a service would be too expensive for most message boards so only players like Facebook and Google will be able to run blogs.

Comment Welcome back, flipphones (Score 1) 36

I've been waiting for a couple of years for a manufacturer to bring back the flipphone, but this time with a screen on both halves. It makes a lot of sense now that we have ultra-thin bezels and ever expanding phones. Women can't even fit half of the Android phones on the market into a standard pocket. Plus the phones are so thin now that doubling the thickness isn't a problem. IMHO phablets have significant usability problems that could be solved if you could just fold the thing in half when you put it away.

Comment Re:Ronny Ray-Gun will finally get his Star Wars (Score 1) 528

Yes Boondoggle. The Patriot missile sites out in Europe are in no way the SDI that Reagan tried to sell to the American people. They completely fail to achieve the stated goal of the SDI of protecting from intercontinental ballistic missile threats. One can argue that it was one of the many factors that caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, but you can not argue that it was a primary factor. It did cause a lot of international tension over the possibility of losing MAD, but in practice it never got close enough to deployment to actually matter.

Comment Ronny Ray-Gun will finally get his Star Wars (Score 2) 528

This was a giant boondoggle in the 80s, and it's just as stupid today. I have no doubt Trump has visions of X-Wings flying around protecting America from space Muslims but it's completely divorced from the reality of the world. Is he worried that he's not building up debt fast enough? That's absolutely not a problem thanks to his disastrous tax bill.

Comment Re:No one cares... (Score 1) 248

I like how Wordpad never comes up in this discussion. In theory it can do everything notepad can do but even better, but it has one deadly misfeature that prevents me from using it regularly. In notepad when you drag a file onto the window it opens the file. In Wordpad it embeds a link to the file in your document, a feature that nobody has ever found useful. It means you need to use the File->Open dialog and navigate to your file, which is much clunkier than dragging and dropping it into the window, so we continue to use notepad even though it isn't very good.

Comment 1 star, didn't watch (Score 2) 147

My first thought was that this is a net loss for Netflix, but in practice the reviews have a disappointingly low signal to noise ratio. So many "Only watched 5 minutes before I turned this garbage off, worst movie ever!" in between the blatant shills calling it some kind of masterpiece and downvoting anyone who dared to point out that it's garbage. There is nothing so bad in the Netflix catalog that its first 10 reviews aren't all 5 stars and talking about how brave the director is for putting up 90 minutes of white noise interspersed with some irrelevant stock footage and how it got a standing ovation at their film festival.

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