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Comment Citation needed that most Jag games ran on 68K (Score 1) 41

Consequently, programmers wrote most of the games to run off of the 68000 chip which was originally intended only for booting the machine.

I know there were two overall structures for Jaguar game programming: graphics and game logic on Tom and input processing on 68K, and graphics on Tom and input processing and game logic on 68K. I understand developers with Genesis, Neo Geo, Amiga, or Atari ST experience might prefer the latter. But did an emulator author really go through "most of the games" and find them to use the latter structure?

I recall there was a hardware bug that required a workaround

The big one, if I remember correctly, had something to do with Tom's instruction cache and required small methods and a far smarter linker than most PC programmers are used to.

Comment Reencode (Score 1) 358

I don't want to waste time re-encoding

There's your problem. If you listen in a noisy environment, reencode your collection to 96-128 kbps Vorbis overnight.

Comment Provided you drive (Score 1) 358

i have a USB port in my car that also charges my iphone

That's fine for people who drive, but I can't think of anyone who's willing to switch from public transit to a car just to charge a phone.

Comment And have to squint (Score 1) 358

Say you have a laptop with a 9 to 10" screen, 1024x600 pixels in size. These "netbooks" were popular before the third-generation iPad came out, and I'm typing on one now. You could double the linear pixel density on the same size screen, increasing pixel count to 1920x1080. That'd make text clearer, but that wouldn't buy you any more room for text or graphics because the eye has trouble reading text that's too small. If you increase the specs (specifications), you need to increase the specs (reading glasses) in parallel.

Comment Typing (Score 1) 358

One advantage of a laptop is that it's a lot easier to type on a physical keyboard than on the touch screen of a tablet. Android 4.3 "Jelly Bean 3" broke a lot of external Bluetooth keyboards, including the ZAGGkeys Flex that I own. I haven't had a chance to download 4.4 "KitKat" to my Nexus 7 yet (OS update check said "up to date" two and a half hours ago) to see if it's been fixed.

Comment Re:CD defined (Score 1) 312

you loose data between the samples.

CD mastering applies a low-pass filter with transition band 20-22 kHz before 44.1 kHz sampling. This ensures that the only lost data is data that the human ear has no chance to hear anyway. The advantage of CD is that the loss occurs at one well-defined point.

Only analog is properly loss-less.

Analog isn't lossless either. After taking into account vinyl surface noise, there's more usable bit depth on CD than on vinyl.

Comment Desktop when docked (Score 1) 358

So long as there's an X server app that works with HDMI out and a Bluetooth keyboard to turn the touch screen into a trackpad and run desktop apps when plugged into TV out, that should be close enough.

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