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Comment Re:Nothing promotes the Free market (Score 1) 428

Lab grown meat is nothing else but the most unhealthy combination of ingredients known. Replacing saturated fats with seed oils is the single most moronic thing we have done to our food. Based on fraudulent science from the start, ushered by corporations, repeatedly proven that it is exceedingly bad (yet you never hear about it in any mainstream media). Nothing else correlates with catastrophic health outcomes than seed oil consumption. Sugar does not. Meat and saturated fat definitely not.
Countries have seen 400 fold increase of metabolic disorders (in this example it is Japan) in a period where consumption of sugar and fat was dropping. Nothing shows up when you run the PCA analysis....except the seed oils.
Of course, processed grains and added sugar are a serious problem too.

The 3 horses of the food Apocalypse are seed oils, processed grains and added sugar. Which is exactly what this "meat" is.

Since I removed the above from my diet few years ago here are some of the highlights:

Do no need daily medicine for stomach (several hundred euros per month plus the obvious general decrease of performance on all levels - gone)
Psoriasis gone; massive saving on health costs in the long run
Perfect weight; energy levels higher than 20 years ago
90% reduction of sick leave. Met the delta variant of Covid head on in a family excursion during vacation 2021. Massive exposure - traveling in a car with contagious person with the airco circulating for 5 hours plus eating together and what's not. Everyone else got not only sick but very sick with long term issues after that. I did not even bring it to my mother that evening...
Increased metabolic rate means I decreased with 2 degrees the living temperature in the house - massive saving on energy.

You see if you want to decrease your burden on the health system and your impact to the environment you should eat....animal protein and fat.

Instead you are lied to so that you can eat as unhealthy as possible and therefore generate 10x profits for the "health" care system while you are " cured". The US sick care system is now the largest industry on planet Earth. Bigger even than your military. Think about that for a while and what it implies....

Comment Minecraft? (Score 1) 188

I am not sure this has any relevance, but approx. 8 months ago Mojang broke Minecraft on all android devices after an update. The bug is confirmed, universal and still open. It made the Bedrock edition unplayable. Me and my Minceraft buddy had paid 1000 bucks each for the latest and greatest Samsung tablets so that we can play the game in the little time we have as adults with minimum fuss and maintenance (or so we thought!).

Month after month passed with us not playing and the tablets gathering dust...until my buddy came several weeks ago with a 5-year old laptop of his. He had installed Linux Mint on it, then runs an Android shell and inside runs the Bedrock edition. The bug is not present! The game runs as it is supposed to. Now, the pity is that the hardware of the laptop is less powerful than the tablet so I have to use lower rendering distance and so on...still the game is playable. Mojang, M$ and Google all think I am using another tablet...but the network knows that one extra Linux PC is up and running in the world.

I find it hilarious that my super duper work laptop running Win 10 is about an order of magnitude slower than that 5 year old laptop that does not even have dedicate GPU. I had forgotten what it means to have fast, responsive machine and software that does not ask the taste of my mother's milk every time I log in or start using the machine for...anything! The contrast between the corporate and Linux experience is by now, VAST! Linux is vastly superior, I mean.

I had frozen my old desktop at Win 7 years ago and was not purchasing new hardware or moving to more recent OS because I knew from work what awaits me should I upgrade beyond 7....but I was also misled by the nerd community that Linux is unreliable, too difficult to support, too complicated to run...

So, my desktop PC will be upgraded the best Linux machine I can assemble.

This particular user will never install corporate OS at home....ever.

I wonder if that gigantic Minecraft fiasco contributed at least a bit to the increase of Linux's popularity?

Comment Re:What else should the government save? (Score 1) 262

Phone booths have been replaced by cell phones

Ah, but a homeless person cannot hide from the rain in his cell-phone! Ergo, we must fund the phone booths!

Paper books replaced clay tablets and should be saved.

Saved by the government?

What will completely replace AM radio?

Replace in what?

If not radio waves

Oh, it would still be radio waves, I'm sure. WiFi, LTE....

Comment Re:Bah (Score 2) 110

You do realize that the entire population of Israel is not superstitious

Superstitions — like fears of number 13 and black cats — are what people resort to, when religion is taken from them :-)

Many Israelis don't give a flying fuck what rabbis say.

Most care, though.

What you could've pointed out is that it is not wrong for observant Jews to produce non-Kosher foods — as long as they don't eat them. That would've been a valid point.

But you didn't — such was your urge to attack the religious, it blinded you to anything else :)

Comment Still not Kosher (Score 1) 110

The eel meat was produced by Forsea Foods in Israel

The rules of Kosher are simple: if it lives in the water, it must have scales to be edible. This excludes eel (as well as crab, lobster, oysters, sturgeon and catfish)...

Now lab-grown could work — because it is fake — but, given rabbinate's earlier refusal to approve fake pork, I doubt, they'll approve fake eel either. Then again, fake crab is fine — because it is made from regular (scaly) fish...

Comment Re:You're breathing a small amount of formaldehyde (Score 1) 131

You are ingesting VAST amounts of formaldehyde and other aldehydes every time you eat "the healthy and environmentally friendly replacement of the terrible hart destroying and arteries blocking saturated fats" Omega - 6 shit (seed oils) out there (an industrial by-products introduced in human diet in 1910), and, according to meta-studies, the only persisting Principal Component that is always found to strongly correlate with plethora of modern day diseases (worst than processed grains and sugar, culprits # 2 and 3).

If you do not stop and think from basic principles about this topic, friend, you will go quickly crazy. The public health information these days is 99.9% propagandists nonsense, promoting corporate profits, confusing the issue, and all that in combination with anti humanist activism. In fact there is no health care system in the world anymore. There is sick-care system...

Comment XFCE4 on FreeBSD (Score 4, Interesting) 155

And the article also points out that one of those early Unix desktops "is still alive, well ...

My XFCE4-desktop is awesome, thank you very much. Last uptime was 386 days — and it only went down, because the video card's fan stopped working...

Firefox, Thunderbird, and Libreoffice have to be recompiled on occasion, but that's nothing compared to the forced biweekly reboots my corporate desktop is undergoing — running the OS, that is alleged to have "won"...

Comment Re:Just imagine... (Score 1) 96

The government isn't paying a witness. It's buying information to find a crime.

Nonsense. Paid informants would often alert police to crimes, that cops didn't know about either.

linked to life experience

I'm not that old :-)

Read the article that your link points too.

My link points to the story of one (in)famous paid informant. Christians — and all of the Founders were such — universally disapproved of the man, but the practice of paying such people for their aid to law-enforcement was not banned by them.

Comment Re:Just imagine... (Score 1) 96

Exactly, as he said it was unimaginable that a private entity could harvest this information. Yes at great cost for one person, completely unimaginable to do it for the entire population, even the paper to write it down would have bankrupted them.

It was just as unimaginable for a government — any government — to amass it too.

Yet, the concept of using paid informants was known for millennia — and none of the Founders thought about forbidding their use.

Comment Re:Just imagine... (Score 1) 96

At the time of the constitution it was unimaginable that a private entity could harvest this information.

The concept of "private detective" existed for centuries.

If Sherlock Holmes (fictional) and Pinkerton (very real) could sniff out information, why couldn't the government then obtain it from them? Perry Mason wouldn't get anywhere without his trusty private detective agency — with office on the same floor as his own. Hired by the clients — who'd inevitably be falsely accused of murder — they had to share information with police on pain of losing their licenses. Such was already the state of affairs in the 1930-ies!

If today's technology existed back then and we followed the spirit of why the constitution was written I can guarantee that this would be illegal

Sounds like an attempt — an unconstitutional attempt — to ascribe to the Constitution, what is not there...

Finally, how is "buying information from data-brokers" different — in principle — from obtaining it from paid informants?

Comment Re:Just imagine... (Score 1) 96

Unconstitutional activity is still unconstitutional even if the government pays a third party to do it.

Could you cite the part of the Constitution being violated here?

You cannot. The whole problem is that there is nothing illegal — much less unconstitutional — about it all.

It makes sense logically too — if a private dick can know it, why can't the government buy it from him?

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