Comment Re:Good for France (Score 1) 182
" But, you know, Europe can build things too."
No, we cannot. Not with prohibitively high energy costs, ever increasing poverty and migrants who are net negative to society and economy. The energy is outsourced to US and the Gulf and manufacturing is going to US and China. The emissions are therefore, increasing since these states have much more dirty manufacturing.
Here, if you a person that is willing to account for physics, chemistry, material science, economy, finance and common sense, listen to this:
I will comment a bit below for the benefit of the possibly normal person that might read this, rather than the usual elitist, pseudo-intellectuals with humanity worse than a plague ridden rat that inhabit
Anyway, energy! Tell me again how Britain's only chance of wealth generation is net Zero. The biggest scam ever! And the speaker is right. The US started and perpetuated this nonsense, forced it down via the humongous propaganda machine (all the bills are out now). But then they bailed out, while Europe continues on a self destruction path that does nothing at all for the environment; in fact it is making it worse as stated above.
When I came to West Europe 22 years ago the GDP of the EU was comparable to the US. Now it is half. When I came, the Euro traded 1.5, 1.6 even 1.7 to one dollar. It is one to one now. When I came, the average income of a west European was 0.8 to 0.9 of the US. Now it is 0.6 and falling. Fast.
Tell me gain about the wonderfully progressive and Eco-friendly Chinese with their 1200 coal plants and counting.Tell the poor again, particularly in the East part of the EU that the answer to the double digit inflation is to buy an electric car! The un-elected, undemocratic EU elite totalitarians are, at the moment, the most despised group of westerners. My mom is cursing them and she has cursed like 3 times in her entire life!
Tangent on the war in Ukraine, but part of the whole scam:
What scammers the Americans are! I hope Trump manages to destroy all of that nonsense of endless proxi wars and interference in ALL other countries affairs America has been doing since forever.For the purpose of national security, of course!
He will have to fight both parties for that.....however, how does he have the eyes to negotiate peace, provided that the US is a major reason for that war by endlessly impinging on the national security of Russia and instigating a coup in Ukraine.The Russians are imperialist cocksuckers, cruel drunkards and in my state we know very well how trustworthy they are. However, Americans, how would you react to Mexico entering an alliance with BRIKS and installing nuclear arms facilities on the border with US? Trump is securing a whole Earth's hemisphere to protect America (that is what the Greenland brouhaha is about)! You were willing and would have started WW3 with nukes over the Cuban crisis, remember? And do you by any chance remember that the USSR threatened to install missiles in Cuba AFTER the US installed missiles in Turkey, on the doorstep of the Warsaw pact? You were the provocateurs and warmongers in that scenario, remember?
So the (US) West is also guilty for that war. Big time. Bi-partizan effort with the Democrats being worst offender this time around. And now an American VP is saying that the Europeans are the warmongers, while Europeans who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to help against Russia in the beginning are saying that there should be no peace and Trump is betraying the West to Putin? WTF!
So, behind close doors, Putin knows that he WON that proxy war, or at least made it unwinnable and unsustainable for the US and the West. So he will get the east parts where the Russians were actually pushed and oppressed according to the oft-cited (but not for this, no Sir!) Helsinki committee of human rights And the chairwoman was forced to resign for pointing out that yes, Zelensky is dictatorial and has routinely committed violations of human rights against Russians in Ukraine. And Putin will keep Crimea. And anyone who is claiming that Ukraine would have won and pushed the Russians out if only they had been given more money and weapons is a liar. The only thing that would have happened is more death and destruction until there is nothing left of Ukraine. Sacrificed on the altar of a US and NATO led proxy war.