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Comment Re:Good for France (Score 1) 182

" But, you know, Europe can build things too."

No, we cannot. Not with prohibitively high energy costs, ever increasing poverty and migrants who are net negative to society and economy. The energy is outsourced to US and the Gulf and manufacturing is going to US and China. The emissions are therefore, increasing since these states have much more dirty manufacturing.

Here, if you a person that is willing to account for physics, chemistry, material science, economy, finance and common sense, listen to this:


I will comment a bit below for the benefit of the possibly normal person that might read this, rather than the usual elitist, pseudo-intellectuals with humanity worse than a plague ridden rat that inhabit /. today. If you think I am using inflammatory language I can easily prove the point. Most of you here are Marxists and communists apologists. Apologists for the most murderous political ideology of all times, 40 countries failed in exactly the same manner, 10 times higher body count than the next contender. QED.

Anyway, energy! Tell me again how Britain's only chance of wealth generation is net Zero. The biggest scam ever! And the speaker is right. The US started and perpetuated this nonsense, forced it down via the humongous propaganda machine (all the bills are out now). But then they bailed out, while Europe continues on a self destruction path that does nothing at all for the environment; in fact it is making it worse as stated above.

When I came to West Europe 22 years ago the GDP of the EU was comparable to the US. Now it is half. When I came, the Euro traded 1.5, 1.6 even 1.7 to one dollar. It is one to one now. When I came, the average income of a west European was 0.8 to 0.9 of the US. Now it is 0.6 and falling. Fast.
Tell me gain about the wonderfully progressive and Eco-friendly Chinese with their 1200 coal plants and counting.Tell the poor again, particularly in the East part of the EU that the answer to the double digit inflation is to buy an electric car! The un-elected, undemocratic EU elite totalitarians are, at the moment, the most despised group of westerners. My mom is cursing them and she has cursed like 3 times in her entire life!

Tangent on the war in Ukraine, but part of the whole scam:

What scammers the Americans are! I hope Trump manages to destroy all of that nonsense of endless proxi wars and interference in ALL other countries affairs America has been doing since forever.For the purpose of national security, of course!
He will have to fight both parties for that.....however, how does he have the eyes to negotiate peace, provided that the US is a major reason for that war by endlessly impinging on the national security of Russia and instigating a coup in Ukraine.The Russians are imperialist cocksuckers, cruel drunkards and in my state we know very well how trustworthy they are. However, Americans, how would you react to Mexico entering an alliance with BRIKS and installing nuclear arms facilities on the border with US? Trump is securing a whole Earth's hemisphere to protect America (that is what the Greenland brouhaha is about)! You were willing and would have started WW3 with nukes over the Cuban crisis, remember? And do you by any chance remember that the USSR threatened to install missiles in Cuba AFTER the US installed missiles in Turkey, on the doorstep of the Warsaw pact? You were the provocateurs and warmongers in that scenario, remember?

So the (US) West is also guilty for that war. Big time. Bi-partizan effort with the Democrats being worst offender this time around. And now an American VP is saying that the Europeans are the warmongers, while Europeans who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to help against Russia in the beginning are saying that there should be no peace and Trump is betraying the West to Putin? WTF!

So, behind close doors, Putin knows that he WON that proxy war, or at least made it unwinnable and unsustainable for the US and the West. So he will get the east parts where the Russians were actually pushed and oppressed according to the oft-cited (but not for this, no Sir!) Helsinki committee of human rights And the chairwoman was forced to resign for pointing out that yes, Zelensky is dictatorial and has routinely committed violations of human rights against Russians in Ukraine. And Putin will keep Crimea. And anyone who is claiming that Ukraine would have won and pushed the Russians out if only they had been given more money and weapons is a liar. The only thing that would have happened is more death and destruction until there is nothing left of Ukraine. Sacrificed on the altar of a US and NATO led proxy war.

Comment Of course! (Score 1, Informative) 72

Electricity too expensive to train AI models? Ban them, citing yet another crop of woke nonsense.

Europe is a soft totalitarian mega state now. The un-ellected Brussels sprouts who stagnated the economy for almost 20 years are doubling down. But ask yourselves you smug elitists, why does anyone care what EU thinks and does? Ah, because it is economically powerful...for NOW! Do these morons realize that their smug circle jurk of " global importance" is fast disappearing as Europe paints itself into irrelevance? That the only reason they matter is because of what was built and created by those before them?

Any politician in power in the entire EU in the last 25 years should be in jail.

Comment Re:Why are they oligarchs now but not last year? (Score 1, Troll) 170

"They had a lot less influence over the sitting President a year ago"

Brilliant insight!

Of course you are correct! It wasn't that they had more control over the president. Instead the authorities exercised control over them in a blatant, criminal violation of the First Amendment. The useful idiots (upper middle class westerners; the elite) had no problem with that, since it was their deranged propaganda. My goodness, for a decade Tweeter was running the entire West. Every gaslighting propaganda BS from the mainstream was "backed" by twitter posts and twitter storms. The deranged determined the Holy Truths.

And now, all of a sudden it is such a big problem that power listens to money? 150 billionaires declared their support during the last elections. 80 for Harris, 50 for Trump. Harris outspend Trump 5 times over; first presidential campaign to exceed 1 billion US dollars. Academia, "journalists", wall street, all the tech bros sans Elon, all of these were behind Harris. The rich and powerful white men were overwhelmingly behind Harris.

But none of that was a problem, eh comrade? When people said "do not give extra powers to the president because tomorrow another one will come that is not from your party and then you are screwed" did you listen? No. Cheerfully and with gleeful malice you were perfectly happy to be in the hands of evil corporations and totalitarian minded politicians as long as they sang " your tune".

And then , you people have the gall to claim that you support democracy and choice. Pretend that you are for the little people, for the environment! What a sham!

Comment Re:Oh goody, more bad science reporting (Score -1, Troll) 167

I see the contrary; the article is more honest reporting than everything in the last decade or so. You see, every difference is a result of an evil social construct run by (white) men. I am not trolling; this is the official position about everything in our society. At every level.

Any other explanation, particularity one that is rooted in (evolutionary) biology is cancelled. Often with violence. Anywhere in the western academia including the biology departments.

In fact, I fully expected the article to claim that the evil men were guilty for it. So I was pleasantly surprised. But the well meaning public, like yourself, is somewhat baffled that any difference between people are not the result of evil white men. Because you have been told lies for so long...

You see, when you have, for example, the Norwegian institute of fertility totally baffled and unable to explain the disastrous birth rates in Norway, this is the height of ridiculousness! A fertility institute that does not consider biology in their explanatory model?! And when the scholars point it out, they are cancelled and called names. Everything that happens there with fertility is perfectly explainable and expected in light of evolutionary biology. But if you model says the only reason is "society", " the patriarchy" and so on, your model will not predict the future correctly and when that future manifests itself you are caught "baffled and confused".

See this:

Comment Re:Unfair (Score 2) 71

First, we are not clones. If the ants weren't they'd behave differently.

Sci-Fi reference: You see, dear bugger (ala OSC), we are all a hive with a single member. Every death of a human is a cessation of an unique genetic line, whereas in your case only killing the queen matters. This fundamental difference informs the behavioral differences between your hive and ours.

Secondly, we people are the ultimate champions of cooperating in large groups. No other animal comes even close. All of us are descendants of people who DID NOT act selfishly during an emergency. If they did, they'd be dead.

Articles like this are another thinly veiled attempt to promote the most murderous and disastrous political ideology of all time. And specifically ask for the ad-nauseam "humans bad, muh" crowd.

Submission + - South Korea Mulls Creating 'KSMC' Contract Chipmaker To Compete With TSMC (tomshardware.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Although Samsung Foundry is a major chip contract manufacturer, the South Korean government mulls creating a government-funded contract chipmaker tentatively called Korea Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, KSMC, reports The Korea Biz Wire. Industry experts and academics have proposed the initiative.

The Semiconductor Industry Association's Ahn Ki-hyun called for a long-term government investment. Experts project that an investment of KRW 20 trillion ($13.9 billion) in KSMC could result in economic gains of KRW 300 trillion ($208.7 billion) by 2045. However, the big question is whether $13.9 billion is enough to establish a chipmaker. Another concern about publicly funded corporations like KSMC is whether they could develop advanced manufacturing technologies and land enough orders from clients to be profitable. It turns out that in addition to semiconductor makers, Korea needs more fabless software developers.

The proposal was introduced during a seminar hosted by the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK). The plan aims to address structural weaknesses in the industry, such as an over-reliance on Samsung's advanced nodes under 10nm amid the lack of mature process technologies. Smaller system semiconductor firms struggle to thrive as Korea lacks manufacturing diversity, as seen in Taiwan, where companies like UMC and PSMC that focus on mature and specialty nodes complement TSMC's advanced process technologies.

Comment There is cheap gas (Score 2) 195

It is under our feet, in NL, for example. But we will keep on buying way more expensive, lower quality LNG from US because we can't produce evil emission! And four houses in Groningen experienced tremors! Think of the earthquakes!!

Never mind that the whole province screams to high heaven for reopening of the fields.
Never mind the stupidity of Germany and their "green transition".
Never mind the fact that US was looking at every opportunity to stop the trade between Russia and EU. Or at least replace the gas with Ukrainian "democratic" gas. And blow the pipeline, just in case.
Never mind the enforced destruction of western economies in combination with quasi-planned economy, ever more directed by Brussels. Hint: look at the ecological impact of East and West Germany. East Germany was 3.5 times higher in CO2, 10 times higher in SO2 and about 6 times higher in NOx per unit of produce compared to West Germany.

You know, in 2016 I attended a conference of LNG producers and transporters. The plan was (and still is) that natural gas usage globally, in any form, will rapidly increase at least until 2070. The greens were so happy! Why, gas is so much better than coal and oil! And then the tune changed to "all fossil fuels evil, shut down everything". Which of course it did, since all of this is a cult. Cultist never stop. Ever. And eventually they run against reality and are destroyed. The issue of course is that often they take the whole of civilization with them.

Comment Re:Who decides? (Score 2) 97

Here, the most depressing interview I have ever heard on the subject of freedom of information, censorship and propaganda:


Summary: US and the west redefined democracy to mean the will of (ideologically captured) institutions rather than the will of the people. The entire, century old, apparatus that America developed to influence politics, organize coups and revolutions, kill whomever it deemed a problem all over the world was turned against US citizens in 2014 after the Crimea fiasco. 50 billion budget every year, hundred plus censorship laboratories in US universities, social platforms where the censorship and social engineering is built in, is the primary function of the platform (e.g. old Twitter).

Two hours forty three minutes and Joe had like five minutes input. That guest is a bloody encyclopedia on the subject!

In Europe, the situation is much, much worse than US. Here we have no free speech laws and our authorities are openly bragging that they work closely with all channels of information to suppress misinformation" ....only the misinformation and lies are coming 100% from the same authorities, their lackey media dogs and brain dead academics.

So, another bunch of leftists scumbags increasing censorship and clamping down on speech? In Europe? Quelle surprise!

Submission + - UK bans puberty blockers for under 18s (independent.co.uk) 1

Bruce66423 writes: Puberty blockers for under-18s with gender dysphoria will be banned indefinitely in the UK due to the “unacceptable safety risk”, the government has announced.

Health and social care secretary, Wes Streeting, said there is a need to “act with caution” and “follow the expert advice” in caring for this “vulnerable group of young people”.

Comment Re:Unequivocally Evil (Score 1) 124

Nothing of the sort, my dear chap!

Sauron is a misunderstood tragic character, fighting for diversity by introducing new species to Middle Earth! For example orcs, who only want to take care of their families! And somehow these evil elves and people do not understand! The orcs are simply neurodivergent!!!

Source: Rings of Power

Comment Re:Amazon poisoned the well (Score 1) 59

" Dude not everything is about politics and woke get over yourself."

That is exactly what it is about, hombre. The whole industry has accepted the "checkbox approach". Nothing, I repeat, nothing, I will say it again, NOTHING gets made or released if it does not conform to the DEI shitshow and has all the check boxes ticked in. Ergo, everything that is released is crap. No exceptions.

That is the industry's doing, their choice and no one else's. Now, reap the consequences.

  Listen, all of ya wannabe western commies - I was born and raised in such society. Every play, every TV program, every movie, every article, every book, every poem, everything....had the check boxes by the Party ticked in. You have a play about Socrates and whadda know, he was a communist! And Plato too! I can write a dissertation on the subject. At least during those days some artists rebelled and risked (and received) severe punishment for standing against the party line. The Hollywood perverts are happy to comply; they have the balls to molest kids and each other, but not to stand to totalitarians.

Comment Re:oh really (Score 0) 57

"Basic biology research is incredibly valuable in terms of reducing misery, enriching humanity, extending lives, and creating happiness."

Spot on. Now, can we stop with the 100+ year old (by now) social constructive ideologies that completely neglect biology? The ones that claim humans are born identical and any difference is socially constructed therefore can be "fixed" by social engineering? By timeline these are: grandad ideology - communism. Bastard child - fascism. Hybrid grandchild - woke.

Practical example from Scandinavia follows.

Supposition.biology does not exist. Every human decision is informed by social construct only.
Aim. To improve participation of women in " male dominated professions".
Strategy - flatten the society, remove any social obstacle.
Expectation. The participation will approach parity.
Result. Exactly the opposite. The sexes ran away from each other even more.
Conclusion. We have not done enough social engineering.

Supposition. Human behavior is a result of innate biological traits modified further by social interaction and personal history.
Aim. To improve participation of women in " male dominated professions".
Strategy - flatten the society, remove any social obstacle.
Expectation. Once the social factor is removed the biological preference will maximize. We will see further division on the working place between men and women.
Result. Exactly as expected.

Submission + - Joe Biden issues 'full and unconditional' pardon to son Hunter (theguardian.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Joe Biden has issued “a full and unconditional” pardon to his son Hunter Biden covering convictions on federal gun and tax charges, the US president said in a statement released by the White House on Sunday.

The decision marks a reversal for the president, who had repeatedly said he would not use his executive authority to pardon his son or commute his sentence.

Hunter Biden was scheduled to be sentenced for his conviction on federal gun charges on 12 December. He was scheduled to be sentenced in the tax case four days later.

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