Comment Re:Why are they oligarchs now but not last year? (Score 1, Troll) 161
"They had a lot less influence over the sitting President a year ago"
Brilliant insight!
Of course you are correct! It wasn't that they had more control over the president. Instead the authorities exercised control over them in a blatant, criminal violation of the First Amendment. The useful idiots (upper middle class westerners; the elite) had no problem with that, since it was their deranged propaganda. My goodness, for a decade Tweeter was running the entire West. Every gaslighting propaganda BS from the mainstream was "backed" by twitter posts and twitter storms. The deranged determined the Holy Truths.
And now, all of a sudden it is such a big problem that power listens to money? 150 billionaires declared their support during the last elections. 80 for Harris, 50 for Trump. Harris outspend Trump 5 times over; first presidential campaign to exceed 1 billion US dollars. Academia, "journalists", wall street, all the tech bros sans Elon, all of these were behind Harris. The rich and powerful white men were overwhelmingly behind Harris.
But none of that was a problem, eh comrade? When people said "do not give extra powers to the president because tomorrow another one will come that is not from your party and then you are screwed" did you listen? No. Cheerfully and with gleeful malice you were perfectly happy to be in the hands of evil corporations and totalitarian minded politicians as long as they sang " your tune".
And then , you people have the gall to claim that you support democracy and choice. Pretend that you are for the little people, for the environment! What a sham!