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Comment Re:Lost for words (Score 1) 324

Feedforward could meaningfully be used to describe your experiences being supplied to future educators so they can know what is helpful to teach and how to teach it effectively, and/or what not to explain the way that you were taught it, because it was very unhelpful compared to watching Pornhub^w Youtube,

Comment Re:Also updates (Score 1) 207

One day, people will realise that MS has been infiltrated and corrupted by Open Source Hippies who have added this stuff in the over-optimistic hope that Windows users will be dreven to use their secure, usable, working Unix-like software instead of "Closed Source Poop-Like" (TM) software that insists on slapping you in the face with a wet fish at every turn and mouse-click.

MS have long understood they do not need to address this, as their users are easily addicted to the "slap in the face with a wet fish" experience, and have no wish to have a pleasant computing experience, or indeed any other kind of pleasant experience.

If they did want enjoyable experiences or a productive computing environment, they would have "gone native" years ago.

Comment SystemD (Score -1, Flamebait) 283

Unless SystemD is removed, it won't work for a lot of us because of instability, inadequate consideration of those who have static IPs and local nameservers, and general insanity.

Without SystemD, corporates requiring all systems to be maintained by someone with their head in the clouds (probably simulated by AI) will not support it, so there will be no money (eg to handle legal issues^w^w enforcement).

There is also the problem of Gnome vs Mint vs Mate vs KDE vs XFCE vs VWFM95 etc.

If you want standards, use OpenBSD - Unix as it was in 1978, but with Internet support and the bugs fixed - but limited support for hardware more recent than 2008. (Lets face it, 2008 is not long ago for those of us who WERE using Unix in 1978 ;-).

If you want to go full commie, you should use Slackware 0.98 on a 486 and drive a Trabant.

Comment Re: sound amps should add an center boost control (Score 1) 75

if you have 5.1

But what percentage of the world's population don't?

Me and my partner spend more time watching "foreign" films than native ones. And American is foreign to us.

I, personally, find it impossible to understand most American film dialogue to the extent that I rarely try. OTOH if you are going to watch using subtitles, Spanish, Portuguese or even Korean content can be easier to understand and more interesting.

Why not live in the real world? When did YOU last watch any Igbo films?

Perhaps there should be a poll ... Which language do you prefer when watching subtitled content?

Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 5, Insightful) 114

Aside from the magical thinking that somehow they will be able to be able to find a "competent authority"

There is no evidence that the present government would know competence if it hit them on the head with a blunt object, or that any future government, anywhere, would perform the task significantly better.

The underlying problem is that: All the present evidence is that competence and government are mutually incompatible concepts.

Anyone stupid enough to think that a "government agent" can have access to anything without at least one "evil agent" having more and greater access, sooner, should be in protective custardy with immediate effect.

I have no wish to view child porn, but I really don't want the Taliban to have access to my banking app. Let the politicians lead by example, and give the Russian Mafia access to their own banking details.

In fact, why not require all the politicians intending to vote for this policy lead by example and paste all their private encryption keys on their publicity material for 12 months first.

Comment Re: Switched to paper bags? (Score 1) 197

Any question which does not address the full lifetime of the bag is stupid, and probably intended to be misleading.


The 10p light weight one-time use plastic bags which were then used for rubbish disposal, going neatly into the "recycling" process have been replaced by £1 "bags for life" with about 100 times more plastic in them, hang around for a while being used two or three times, and then split along the seams, then hang around a bit longer waiting to be returned for a free replacement before they go in the trash because no one is going to take a torn bag back and argue with the shop stuff that they are entitled to a replacement.

The net result is at least 4 times more oil is consumed to make four times more plastic to go in the rubbish cycle.

The main beneficiaries are the supermarkets who get you to pay for expensive plastic bags instead of giving you free ones, and the green lobby who get to gloat over their "success".

For the rest of us, it is a daily proof that politicians cannot be trusted to deliver a working policy on anything, anywhere, at any time.

Why are my GBP turning into Australian pounds?

Comment Danger of AI? (Score 1) 144

I would say dangers of AI controlling robots, we are not there yet. Nor AIs taking over governments and means of productions in big/unchecked scale (of, at the very least, robots).

What we have now is governments making robotic weapons, and governments building AIs, and nuclear/chemical/biological weapons, and weaponizing internet, controlling in the end the way global culture thinks and see reality. The common factor there are governments, not AIs, and against that we were warned in the other 1984.

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