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Comment Re:ChromeOS is Linux (Score 1) 146

I use Windows / WSL2 heavily (work) and ChromeOS / Crostini / Linux heavily (home). WSL2 is not functionally better in any way that matters to me. In fact, Crostini is so well integrated into ChromeOS that the experience on Chromebooks is better. This opinion is based on day-in, day-out, long-term usage of both.

Presumably without having experienced it yourself, it seems like you've already made up your mind, though. Enjoy WSL2. That works OK too.

Comment Re:ChromeOS is Linux (Score 1) 146

And yeah, have you ever tried installing Linux apps on ChromeOS? ChromeOS is even more of a walled garden than MacOS. Completely antithetical to the spirit of Linux & FOSS.

Chromebook / ChromeOS user here. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Step 1: Enable Crostini.

Step 2: Open Terminal.

Step 3: Install Linux applications.

Step 4: Run them.

Yes, GUI applications work too. I use a dozen Linux applications on my Chromebook every day.

Comment Re: The year 2023 will also be known for El Nino (Score 0) 159

Uh huh. I shouldn't tell you this but your like-minded buddies are now switching tacts. Now it's "we shouldn't have done anything at all to address climate change.", because somehow doing things like improving mpg in cars made it worse. If you're convincing enough you can continue to play off your increasingly-foolish apathy as "i meant to do that".

Comment ugh (Score 2) 35

Further, the change will not affect customers who are connected to Wi-Fi.

I remember when I had an unlimited plan with AT&T mobile. They were throttling people without disclosing what the threshold was. I got into a spat with a CSR because they kept telilng me that it won't be a problem if I use wifi. "Of course I won't get throttled on it of I don't use it!" I think just remembering it is raising my blood pressure.

I *really* don't like being told not to use something I have paid for. I don't know if there's more nuance I'm missing here, but in general I do not have a lot of patience for ISPs playing games with the service to squeeze out a nickel. Not a single internet-consuming device in my possession was designed with data limits in mind and my ISPs profit margins are not something I am the slightest bit concerned with.

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