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Comment Physical shop are required to do age verification (Score 1) 159

Firstly parents are never 100% of the time watching their kids over. It would be utterly sick and not good for the kid as they age anyway as they have to learn step by step to mature , and learn to handle stuff alone. This is not a cliff from 0-17.9999 "100% surveillance" and then 18+ "0%". As kid age you give them more or less responsibility and freedom. So the kip on "parents not watching their kid and get rewarded" is stupid shit.

Furthermore when kid leave the parents watching , and internet is one point of that, any kid worth their salt can tell you how to get surfing without parent watching, parent have to expect porn/alcohol/drug outfit to NOT SELL to minor. You tried to buy porn, alcohol with under 18/21 in a street shop ? Without a fake ID good luck to that - at least for the responsible shops. Physical shop always HAD to verify age for some type of goods. Online shop simply were up to now utterly lax into that verification, dragging feet and having a laughable pop up "I am 18" : imagine alcohol selling joint , or porn cinema having just a "pinky swear you are an adult" policy... No, the reality is that online outfit simply flaunted the law on age verification - because they don't want the expanse.

Comment No, OP is right (Score 4, Informative) 350

Ivermectin is used to traet parsytose , namely the two you cited, both Onchocerciasis and filariasis are parasitic infections. Ivermectin in those case is an uncontested treatment. But OP is most probably from the US and where Ivermectin was told by politician that it would help with COVID. It dsoes not. AFAIR the initial paper on that was retracted, and subsequent paper showed it is useless for COVID. As such , OP is right, from region like the US where there were talk about using it for COVID, and people went into emergency room for tooking too much of horse dewormer, people still holding to invermectin as treatment for COVID are most likely politically motivated idiot.

Comment I hosted a handful (Score 1) 74

I hosted a handful of LAN parties with my friends in high school. We all have some good memories and pictures. My favorite story is the one time I planned a LAN but my parents wouldn't allow it. We completely cleaned and re-organized the attic and quietly snuck our battlestations in. Naturally, we called this event "LAN Frank" since we were hiding from the nazis.

Comment Re:Iphones Work (Score 2) 68

I found most mainstream 3rd party Android manufacturers loaded up their phones with ads and bloatware. My OnePlus was pretty good about this, but I gotta say the Pixel phones that are made by Google are the best. Try one of those so you can compare phone platforms made by the manufacturer, they're pretty good :)

Comment For those of you who don't grok Calvinball: (Score 1) 113

Calvinball is described on the Wiki thusly (emphases added):

Calvinball is an improvisational sport/game introduced in a 1990 storyline that involved Calvin's negative experience of joining the school baseball team. Calvinball is a nomic or self-modifying game, a contest of wits, skill and creativity rather than stamina or athletic skill. The game is portrayed as a rebellion against conventional team sports and became a staple of the final five years of the comic. The only consistent rules of the game are that Calvinball may never be played with the same rules twice and that each participant must wear a mask.

When asked how to play, Watterson stated: "It's pretty simple: you make up the rules as you go." In most appearances of the game, a comical array of conventional and non-conventional sporting equipment is involved, including a croquet set, a badminton set, assorted flags, bags, signs, a hobby horse, water buckets and balloons, with humorous allusions to unseen elements such as "time-fracture wickets". Scoring is portrayed as arbitrary and nonsensical ("Q to 12" and "oogy to boogy") and the lack of fixed rules leads to lengthy argument between the participants as to who scored, where the boundaries are, and when the game is finished. Usually, the contest results in Calvin being outsmarted by Hobbes. The game has been described in one academic work not as a new game based on fragments of an older one, but as the "constant connecting and disconnecting of parts, the constant evasion of rules or guidelines based on collective creativity."

Also, that is such a perfect description that's how I'm gonna refer to SCOTUS from now on: The Calvinball Court.

Comment Actually no there is precedence case (Score 1) 187

1) bar are requested to check ID and refuse alcohol for minor
2) porn store and porn selling/renting out fit have to check for ID and refuse sale/renting to minor

All that is a precedence case that the government can and do restrict sales of certain material to minor and thus can enforce ID checks.

Comment Re:coincidentally such maneuver are never shown on (Score 2) 106

read my post better : "claims, claim all over the place, and zero evidence. Same as the lazar guy and many other, they are all cooks." Emphasis mine. I know of Bob Lazar and a few other with their "building sized UFO in plain sight" shit : they are all claims and bluster , zero evidence.

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