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Comment Let eBay settle it (Score 4, Interesting) 512

If there's a shortage of H-1B visas (meaning there are times you can't obtain one no matter how much you're willing to pay), they should be put up for auction and sold to the highest bidder so everyone who wants one badly enough can get one. It's irresponsible of the government not to look for ways to reduce our tax burden.

Comment And this is why nuclear energy should be cheaper (Score 1) 599

If the negative externalities of fossil fuel usage (up to $1,600 per person annually) were properly internalized into the price of electricity as economists say should be done (with the revenue going to hospitals to pay for health care for respiratory patients), nuclear energy would suddenly become much more cost-effective than it is today.

But sadly, we live in an age of privatizing profits and socializing losses.

Comment Re:Goodbye USPS (Score 2) 112

Well, that's not 'delivering it' to me. That's making me go to their store to pick it up.

In a way, it's like community mailboxes. Stuff is no longer delivered directly to your house, but it's still convenient.

How does the locker work? Do I get a code emailed to me?

Yes, exactly. Just go there, punch in the code, and the locker door opens automatically.

Comment Re:How is this not a good idea? (Score 1) 409

How do you internalize a cost when you can't identify the cost?

We know that air pollution costs up to $1,600 per person annually in respiratory problems. We also know that the cost of climate change is estimated at around $20 per ton of CO2. Therefore, the costs can be identified and quantified.

Comment Re:Why do they have comments on news sites? (Score 4, Interesting) 298

I've seen people banned simply because they held an unpopular viewpoint for which the moderators couldn't come up with a rational counterargument and didn't want to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Banning has become a shortcut abused by those in power to silence inconvenient truths, with no formal mechanism in place to appeal the bans.

Worse, there's no easy way to know which message forums engage in this overhanded behavior, because said message forums typically delete any messages exposing it. This creates information asymmetry which restricts the flow of alternate viewpoints. As a result, we all lose.

Boards like Slashdot and Reddit are better, because they (usually) don't delete posts without leaving a trace, but it still comes down to moderators downmodding simply because they don't agree. Maybe mod actions need to be individually justified, with those justifications open for debate and subject to cancellation, but that gets complicated real quick, and by the time it has gone through the process, the conversation has already moved on.

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