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Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 513

The problem with road projects is that they are supported by public money and are therefore inefficient. As a result, a majority of "work zones" and "active work zones" you see are not active at all. Drivers then learn to ignore "active work zone" signs which are most likely misleading.

Comment Re:What I'd like to have... (Score 1) 158

>> I think being able to have the USB stick flush (or internal) with the computer would be moderately cool, though. I don't know if it's cool enough to try and force the industry to decide on a standard form factor :P

This has been standardized, it's called SD. Keep the card attached to your computer normally. You can copy working copies of important stuff that you are doing as a delta from your last backup and in case you lose your undo history by quitting vi.

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