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Comment Re:The risks of Starlink? (Score 1) 283

I can never tell if people like you are advanced progressive trolls or just paranoid nutters.

Just in case you are still capable of operating in reality:

There's no great mystery. Anyone with a clue knew that SARS would come back. Did anyone listen? Of course not.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 2) 52

"It was also technologically superior to most if not all of its peers"

Maybe for a year or two. Commodore was unbelievably short-sighted and reacted way too slowly to the rest of the world, and stretched out the Amiga chips for WAY too long. I mean seriously, 8 bit audio even on the 4000? Low density floppy controller hacked to "work" as a HD controller by the amazing solution of spinning the disk at half the speed? Wow.

Cheap, cheap, cheap. And when they did finally attempt something. it was the usual clusterfuck. AGA, no Hombre, no the A600, no let's make the Plus4, no let's make the C65, no! etc etc etc

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