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Comment It has been a long time coming. (Score 5, Insightful) 286

Internet STARTED OUT as a "common carrier" service, which is how we were able to buy DSL service from a CLEC instead of the ILEC. Common carrier status was done away with about the time Verizon took a billion dollars from the taxpayer and started rolling out Fios.

I used to buy DSL from a CLEC in Philadelphia that rode on top of Verizon's copper. When Fios rolled out, I remember discussing with the CLEC that they would not be able to serve me because Fios was not considered a common carrier, and Verizon did not have to sell capacity on its lines at a cut rate to competitive carriers.

That CLEC exited consumer broadband shortly thereafter.

Reclassifying modern broadband as a common carrier is absolutely going to create more competition and more choice for consumers. Yes, it will mean a tiny bit less profit for the majors, because they will have to sell capacity to CLECs again at a discount, but whatever.

Honestly, and I'm hardly ever one to talk about nationalization, but the taxpayer has paid for almost all of the Internet infrastructure that has been laid out since about 2004. It should belong to them and be used for their benefit. If Verizon et al want to be considered media providers and not common carriers, then let them pay the taxpayer for access to the network that the taxpayers paid for. Yes, I know, socialism. So what? A lot of what we do is socialized, because it's better for everyone that way.

Comment US Education Defective by Design (Score 0) 335

The US education system is defective by design. It is designed to do anything but produce smart Americans. In fact, I would say it is designed to produce dumb, dependent Americans who will be loyal voters for the party most established throughout that system. It is no secret that the Democrat party controls the public education system top to bottom, and is interested only in producing Democrat voters.

It is not surprising in the least that Zuck's $100M did absolutely nothing to increase the quality of students leaving New Jersey's schools.

Comment Already Obsolete (Score 1) 216

There are many, MANY hotspots available with external antenna ports, and running one off of a 5V in-car supply is trivial.

My Armada has a Netgear Unite Pro hotspot in it with a roof-mounted antenna. I just drilled the 3/8" hole in the roof for the antenna mount right above one of the overhead console boxes, and ran a 12V line to a 5V power supply. It took less than two hours to install, and works fantastically. Any time I need to take it with me I just grab it out of the console box.

Comment Re:Socialist (Score 1) 182

Actually, they started calling him a hypocrite, not a socialist. He is a hypocrite because, while he insists he should pay more in tax, he actually does not. Nothing is stopping him making a gift to the treasury in the amount he thinks he ought to be paying, but they have yet to receive any payments.

Comment Re:Put this in perspective (Score 1) 258

"Every species that's alive today, including polar bears, managed to survive that massive 400-ft increase in sea level."

Polar Bears did not have palatial mansions along the shoreline.

And yes, you are right that there are not supposed to be any ice caps. But, you'll never convince alarmists of that. To them it's just propaganda.

Comment Ban them all you want (Score 4, Insightful) 180

Bans will not only not prevent them being developed, probably even by a technologically advanced State that is a signatory to the treaty, but it will also not prevent them being used by rogue or puppet states who don't care about bans, or who use them at the behest of a signatory state that is just using them to do their dirty work.


Electric Stimulation Could Help You Control Your Dreams 138

sciencehabit (1205606) writes "A new study suggests that mild current applied to the scalp while sleeping can help people become aware of, and even control, their dreams—a phenomenon called lucid dreaming. Researchers recruited 27 men and women to spend several nights in a German sleep lab. After the volunteers had plunged into REM sleep, a state in which people are unable to move and the most vividly recalled dreams occur, researchers applied electrical current to their skulls near the forehead and temples. This boosted neural activity in the frontotemporal cortex, a brain region associated with conscious self-awareness, which normally gets tamped down during REM. Researchers then woke the participants and asked them to detail any dreams they could remember. People who had received 40 Hz of current were lucid in more than 70% of their reported dreams. The researchers suggest that the technique could potentially be used to help people who suffer from chronic nightmares."

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