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Comment Translation: Piss off, Peasants (Score 0, Flamebait) 245

I love how Obama signs 100 executive orders a day ordering various federal agencies to implement his radical agenda, but he can't be bothered to ask the Cable and Telecom Monopolist he appointed to chair the FCC to do anything.

Fucking ridiculous.

        "I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists â" and won. They have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president."

        -- Barack Obama, Speech in Des Moines, IA
        November 10, 2007

Comment Easy solution (Score 1) 478

Cameras can only work in a finite range of ambient light. All you have to do is have enough ambient light to saturate the sensors and people won't be able to take meaningful pictures.

A few tens of kilowatts or maybe just make it a nice, round 100kW of supplemental ambient lighting should do the trick.

You could even advertise it as a feature. Free Tan with a Limo Ride!


Windows 8 Metro: The Good Kind of Market Segmentation? 389

nk497 writes "A UX designer working at Microsoft has taken to Reddit to explain why Windows 8's Metro screen isn't designed for power users — but is still good news for them. Jacob Miller, posting as 'pwnies,' said Metro is the 'antithesis of a [power user's desktop],' and designed for 'your computer illiterate little sister,' not for content creators or power users. By splitting Windows into Metro and the desktop, Microsoft has created space for casual users as well as power users." Update: 02/18 18:14 GMT by S : Further explanations from Miller are available now.

Report: Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) Scans Your DNS History 373

dotarray writes "If a recent report is to be believed, Valve is looking at your browsing history. Reportedly, the company's Valve Anti Cheat system (VAC) looks at all the domains you have visited, and if it finds that you've frequented hack sites, you'll be banned. 'The new functionality has been slammed by gamers, who claim it is "more like spyware than anti-cheat". Valve has not responded to the allegations, but all Steam users have agreed to abide by specific online conduct and not to use cheats. The company's privacy policy also explains that Valve may collect "personally identifiable information", but promises not to share it with other parties.'"

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 467

Bench warrants do not expire. The warrant was probably issued years ago when she ignored an order to appear. She may not even have been notified of the warrant (usually they send a certified letter to your last known address notifying you that there is a warrant out for you).

Biggest non-story of the day on Slashdot.


Why Do You Need License From Canonical To Create Derivatives? 118

sfcrazy writes "Canonical's requirement of a license for those creating Ubuntu derivatives is back in the news. Yesterday the Community Council published a statement about Canonical's licensing policies, but it's vague and it provides no resolution to the issue. It tells creators of derivative distros to avoid the press and instead talk to the Community Council (when they're not quick about responding). Now Jonathan Riddell of Kubuntu has come forth to say no one needs any license to create any derivative distro. So, the question remains: If Red Hat doesn't force a license on Oracle or CentOS, why does Canonical insist upon one?"

Under Armour/Lockheed Suit Blamed For US Skating Performance 357

Koreantoast writes "The United States' surprisingly poor performance in speedskating, despite strong performances in recent World Cup events, has been blamed in part on an untested speedskating suit. The Mach 39, designed through a joint venture between Under Armour and Lockheed Martin, was supposed to provide Team USA with a high tech advantage, using advanced fluid dynamic models and a dimpled surface to disrupt air flow and improve comfort. Instead, performances have been disastrous thus far, with athletes going as far as modifying their suits at the Olympics to try and reverse their fortunes. The suits have caused enough concerns that U.S. Speedskating is taking the unusual step of seeking special dispensation from International Skating Union to ditch the high tech suits and switch back to their old uniforms. Teams are normally required to keep the same equipment through the entire Games. Insert jokes and comparisons to Lockheed's more famous product, the JSF, here."
Your Rights Online

Blogger Fined €3,000 for 'Publicizing' Files Found Through Google Search 248

mpicpp points out an article detailing the case of French blogger Olivier Laurelli, who had the misfortune to click links from search results. Laurelli stumbled upon a public link leading to documents from the French National Agency for Food Safety, Environment, and Labor. He downloaded them — over 7 Gb worth — and looked through them, eventually publishing a few slides to his website. When one of France's intelligence agencies found out, they took Laurelli into custody and indicted him, referring to him as a 'hacker.' In their own investigation, they said, "we then found that it was sufficient to have the full URL to access to the resource on the extranet in order to bypass the authentication rules on this server." The first court acquitted Laurelli of the charges against him. An appeals court affirmed part of the decision, but convicted him of "theft of documents and fraudulent retention of information." He was fined €3,000 (about $4,000).

Comment Re:Sen. Fair is not the enemy (Score 1) 665

Why would you bash him for what he said? He was absolutely correct, and everyone knows it. It's not a scandal that he said what everyone else was thinking but was too chicken shit to say.

It is a fact that 47% of people do not pay income taxes. It is a fact that these people do not give a shit about how much government spends, because they have no skin in the game, and in fact they know that the more government spends, the more they benefit.

So, fuck everyone who thinks that was some scandalous thought for him to have let out of his head. Everyone knows it is true.

Submission + - Apple Pulls Blockchain from App Store, Leaving Apple Users Walletless (

EmagGeek writes: Apple this week yanked a bitcoin app from its App Store, prompting an angry screed from the developer, who accused Cupertino of trying to squash a "revolutionary new payment system."

The move is mystifying, Blockchain said, because its app has been in the App Store without incident for two years and secured more than 120,000 downloads. "The only thing that has changed is that bitcoin has become competitive to Apple's own payment system," Blockchain said. "By removing the blockchain app, the only bitcoin wallet application on the App store, Apple has eliminated competition using their monopolistic position in the market in a heavy handed manner."

This move effectively bans Bitcoin on Apple devices, as Blockchain was the only bitcoin wallet app available in the iTunes store.


Wine On Android Starts Allowing Windows Binaries On Android/ARM 140

An anonymous reader writes "Wine on Android is happening slowly but surely ... Wine is now in a state to be able to run your favorite Windows (x86) game on your Android-powered ARM device, assuming the game is Windows Solitaire. Wine has been making progress on Android to allow simple applications to run on Wine, but they have run into some challenges, as noted in the annual talk at FOSDEM."
The Courts

German Court Forbids Resale of Valve Games 261

sfcrazy writes "A German court has dismissed a 'reselling' case in favor of Valve Software, the maker of Steam OS. German consumer group Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) had filed a complaint against Valve as Valve's EULA (End User License Agreement) prohibits users from re-selling their games. What it means is that German users can't resell their Steam Games."

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