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Journal Journal: Since I just outed myself on slashdot 6

After a recent car accident, and faced with higher fuel bills and a real phobia about buying new vehicles, I've broken down and done the most gay thing I've ever done in my life.

I bought a 2006 Prius. Used. For a thousand less than blue book.

And now I'm learning to drive all over again.

Things I've learned about driving a Japanese Parallel Hybrid (hate the "Synergy Drive" transmission on this thing):

If the car dies and you can't jump it, check the el-cheapo battery connectors that might have fallen off (Seriously- the prius spent 24 hours in my garage this week because I couldn't boot the computer- and it turned out to be the freakin' 12V battery connector fell off).


This hybrid is the worst of both worlds, it gets its best gas mileage under 25MPH accelerating very slowly or between 45 and 60MPH. Anything in b8etween sucks rocks. That means in city driving, I'm the slowest car on the road, and for entering the freeway, I'm the fastest car trying to get up to speed so I can put it in cruise control.


Light on the gas is best, except when it isn't- and it isn't whenever the speed limit exceeds 45. Then it is best to floor it until you hit the speed limit, and use cruise control. This sucks in traffic.

There is no physical neutral on the synergy drive. If your electronics die and you can't boot the computer, you can't shift to neutral to get the car out of the garage.
Likewise, the back trunk- where the batteries are- only has an electronic latch on the outside. If the battery is dead, you have to get your kid to crawl into the back seat, fold down the seats, crawl into the trunk, empty the trunk, remove the carpet, remove the floor, pull a rectangle piece of plastic out of the toolbox, feel around until he finds the latch with his hand, and then you can open the trunk. THEN you have to remove the toolbox, take out a body panel, and then you'll find the battery.
Despite all of that- I'm getting 45MPG in town- better than my manual Escort ever did. 51 highway- about the same as the manual escort. But it's a way more complex car that I do not entirely understand yet.
Maybe one day I'll add a better HV battery and charger and the EV mode button, then I'll have a car almost as decent as the Ford C-Max. Or, if I end up doing what I did with the Escort, in 10 years when the Prius dies on me the Ford C-Max will be available in the used market in the under $7000 range- and that may well be better.

User Journal

Journal Journal: KDE volume steps

If you use KDE like I do - you may be interested in this article I found linked on Reddit - Volume Change Percentages in KDE. The idea there is that by default Kmix will increment volume changes by 4% when you use your keyboard - but it's possible to change that value. You just need to make a change to kmixrc. But you can go read it if you are interested.

So over at Reddit there were some comments like "Thanks for pointing this out." and one question "Any way to do the same with veromix?"

Let me confess that my first thought was - "This is about kmix stupid." But then I thought more about it and realized that it may not be stupid and so I started to dig. I got the source for veromix and it took me a little while to find it - but I did find the file and line where the value is set that drives this behavior. I was able to change it in my system and now I have a 2% increment (veromix is set to 5%) and that makes me pretty stinking happy.

I've emailed the veromix author because I think it wouldn't be too hard to add this value as one of the setting options. I think I've got most of the work done for it. I don't have time today to try it but I will soon. I think that would be pretty sweet.

Open Source - this is an example of why I love it so much.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Whole Fedora/nVidia/Google Talk thing 2

I think I've got it nailed down a bit. When I run the nVidia drivers it is not using OpenGL. The Google Talk plugin needs OpenGL to work. I can force OpenGL to run. The the talk plugin works but Firefox will not run. If I switch to the Nouveau drivers then OpenGL will work fine without any messing about but again Firefox is unhappy.

So for right now - with my GeForce card my choice is Google Hangouts or Firefox.

I don't do the Hangouts that often. I may try just switching over if I need to. I usually have my little Windows laptop at my desk. I don't use it unless I need to go to a meeting but I could hop over to it for video chats if I don't have time to switch my graphics over on the Linux box.

It's not the greatest situation but I do feel better now that I feel like I have a grasp of the situation at least.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fedora 18, Nouveau and Firefox 1

What happens if I open Firefox on my Fedora 18 box and visit the Google Sites page that Sophie Schmidt made about her visit to North Korea? This happens. That's a screen shot of both my monitors. On the left is Firefox and on the right is Chrome which was open to the Journal Entry writing page here. And it got much worse once I closed Firefox. Plasma pretty much took a dump at that point and I had to log out/log in to get back to a usable desktop.
If I run with the nVidia drivers I don't have this issue with Firefox. And even if I don't run Firefox - little artifacts like those in the screen shot will build up over time with the Nouveau drivers. Pretty much immediately if I have any desktop effects enabled. So why don't I just use the nVidia drivers all the time? Well - because I figured out today that under the nVidia drivers using Google Hangouts crashes KDE completely. As in kicking me out and forcing me to log back in. And I need Hangouts for work.
Very frustrating. So I'm stuck back on the Nouveau drivers and playing around looking for some magical set of options that will bring some stability and maybe even the ability to use my beloved Firefox again. The only up side right now is that abrt wont be giving me crap about having a tainted kernel any more. I hate software that has to exhibit moral superiority.
On a side note - I guess I can't add tags to journal entries any more. I guess I never paid attention to them anyway. They don't show up in the je list and I just used titles to find stuff anyway.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why I can't be a liberal 15

A conversation with a much more left wing friend over the weekend made me realize that most of my conservative politics, are not conservatively sourced. They are sourced in my own personal form of liberalism, which is often repelled by the political rhetoric of other liberals.
Gay marriage for instance. I was once, a decade or so ago, for civil unions. I was considered a liberal for being so. I reveled in the fact of being Catholic and how entire groups of monks were using their own vow of celibacy to volunteer for AIDS research. Then, overnight it seemed, in March 2004 I became a conservative on this subject. I didn't change- but I was now bigoted for actually believing sacramental marriage was still possible and that children raised by their biological parents might actually be the ideal situation. Oh, and of course, for discriminating against gays and not allowing them to get married.
Gay marriage doesn't matter to me anymore. After all the attacks and vandalism, I wouldn't vote for those people if they were trying to save baby whales.
But back to my own attitudes. Abortion, Divorce, Contraception, Homosexuality, Fractional Reserve Banking, Free Trade, Wage Suppression, euthanasia. I see these all as full of violence and hatred; and against human dignity. But worse than any of them, are the tactics used to shame more normal people into allowing them to continue; the intolerance of the supposedly tolerant. Tolerance is only a virtue if the thing you are being tolerant of is a sin; when that thing ceases to be a sin and becomes instead a model, tolerance quickly turns to enabling and intolerance for those who don't fit that model.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: "Official story of the Boston bombing has always been a lie" 2

"They (FBI) put an entire city under martial law for a kid, a19 year old KID they KNEW IN THE FIRST PLACE and LIED ABOUT."

"So thank you Washington Post. Thank you for proving my point. Thank you for showing us all that the official story of the Boston bombing has always been a lie and will always continue to be a lie"

Lots more at the link. This is how they operate and create false narrative. Questioning these planted "factual accounts" becomes relegated to "wing-nut conspiracy theorists".


Journal Journal: Every Day Carry Tactical Assault Bag Day Pack 1

I don't think that there should be an "assault branding" ban... But I question the humanity of someone for whom "assault" is a purchasing trigger-word.

Of course, this objet is normally north of 200 USD, and now marked down to about 60. There may be hope for humanity, after all.

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